Eileen Evans

"Be ready in an hour," Willow says on the phone before hanging up and leaving me in the dark.

It's just past ten am and I just woke up. I haven't done a single thing this weekend, except rest and freeze in cold baths that I've made to recover faster. I can feel my body slowly getting better and that's reassuring. Training this hard hasn't been part of my routine for a while now, and although I've been training regularly for the last six months, it's still not the same in action.

I rub my eyes to get rid of the rest of the sleep and quickly go to my phone to check that I haven't missed anything important. Once I've got my answer, I get up and make a quick trip to the bathroom before starting my day. Knowing that she'll be picking me up in an hour, I opt not to eat too much, just a piece of fruit and a protein bar, and get dressed.

Minutes later, I get a message that she's arrived. I put on my shoes, grabbed my bag and left the house. As usual, she's double-parked, so I hurry before someone comes along and makes a scene. She drives off and turns onto the road.

"Now that we are only the two of us" she stars and I groan, "tell me everything"

"What do you want me to tell you?" I ask innocently

"Cut the crap, Evans. Tell me about Harry" her eyes drift off from the road to my face

I grab her head and turn it in a way she can watch the road instead of me, "There is nothing, really"

"I don't believe you, Lee. You've been attached to the hips since you've met. You smile and I don't see the pressure crashing on your shoulders when you're with him. You have walls and you don't have them when you're with him and me"

I sigh, "I know. I wish I could give you an explanation but I don't have any. It's just easy with him and it's weird, even for me, to be that comfortable with someone I barely know" I explain

Her mouth gaps open in shock, "I didn't think you'd tell me what is happening inside your brain"

"Oh, shut it" I nudge her arms, "I'm always telling you, at least when I comprehend what I feel"

"And right now, you don't but you told me nonetheless. You're making progress" She smiles, teasing me

"You're intolerable" I sigh, resting my head on the window and watching the cars outside.

The rest of the drive was fairly quiet, with only the music she'd turned on filling the air and her occasionally humming whatever song was playing. When we finally arrive, I eye her suspiciously not knowing where we are and how she found this place. She opens the door and lets me enter first, following me closely.

She hands me a menu and I look at it closely searching for what I want to eat. My eyes stop when they find a bagel with pesto in it and my choice is made.

We walk up to the counter to order and once we've done so, we move to the side to make room. I look around, finding the interior very cute, very fresh but very comforting at the same time. It's only when Willow speaks that I look at her and then at the direction she looks at.

"Oh look, there's Harry" She points at him and nudges my waist at the same time, making me shrink and squeal which results in some people looking over at us, including him... and a woman?

"I hate you" I say through gritted teeth but she only smiles and waves at them.

As our gaze meets, our smiles appear at the same time and he stands up, walking over to us.

"Hi, how are you" he asks as soon as he reaches us

"We're fine, thank you for asking" Willow replies first, "You know this place?" she asks

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