Eileen Evans
A year later

"Come on, get up" My best friend's voice reaches my ears, pulling me out of my sleeping state. I groan and bury my head in my pillow wanting to go back to sleep. I usually, like to get up early and do something of my day but I just want to skip today.

"We're not doing that again" As she was speaking, I heard her feet moving on the floor and the sound of my curtains being drawn the second the sentence was over.

"Leave me alone, please" My voice was muffled as my head was still buried in my pillow, but I knew she'd understood what I'd said when I felt my duvet being ripped off. "Hey, I said please" I whined as the cold air hit my body

"I know, but I don't care. I'm not leaving you alone today, so get up we have things to do" She clapped her hands making me roll on my back.

"What things ?" I ask, sitting up on my elbow

"You'll know once you get up" She smiles before leaving me alone and closing the door. I shut my eyes in annoyance because if there was one day that I truly wanted to rot in bed was today. Even though I know she means well I just didn't want to.

Willow and I have been friends for 4 years now and I know her well enough to know that if I'm not out of bed in the next 5 minutes, she'll drag my body out of it and it's something I don't want to experience today. She did it once and I swore to myself that it was something that I wouldn't let happen again.

Reluctantly I get out of bed, put on a pyjama short before doing the thing I need to do in my bathroom and join her in my kitchen. Sometimes, I truly regret giving her a copy of my apartment's key. If, at first, it was in case of an emergency, now it's just her using it whenever she wants.

"I'm up, what do you want?" I sit on one of my stools and she gives me a glass of water. I nod, thanking her and taking sips.

She busies herself with making breakfast and I know that it's her way of avoiding looking at me which means that whatever she wants to say, makes her scared of my reaction, "I know today is gonna be hard on you," she starts, my eyes never leaving the back of her head as she moves around, "And I know that you'll prefer to be left alone but I need you to hear me out before you say no," she finally turns around and stress is written all over her face as she fiddles with her fingers

I slightly frown, not really understanding where she's going with her idea but gesture for her to continue, "I think that instead of marking today as the day that your career stopped," I winced at the thought but let her continue, "It could mark the day that it begins again"

"What do you mean ?"

She takes a breath and a tiny smile appears on her face replacing the stress previously on it, "How about you come with me to the studio today so we can dance ?"

I feel my heart starting to beat faster and I lower my head, concentrating on a crumb which, at the moment, looks like a great activity to do "I, I don't know. I don't know if I'm ready"

"Do you trust me ?"

I nod because I do. She's the only person that I trust with my life and I know that she doesn't want to hurt me in any way.

"Then come with me. If you don't want to dance, it's fine. I won't insist but maybe just being back at a different place can make you want to do it again" She tries to compromise.

"You're very persistent, you know ?" I rhetorically ask. I know I just shot myself in the foot when I didn't shut out the idea completely. Normally, I would. Every time she simply implies that I put a foot on a dance floor, the word no comes out faster than my brain can process.

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