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1) All rights reserved.No part of this content may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical , without express permission from the author. However,the Author doesn't own the rights to the images and some thoughts or words or voices. All credit goes to the rightful owner.

2) This content intended for readers age 18+ due to it's sexual content and language.It may not be appropriate for all audiences please read at your discretion.

3) This content is a work of fiction. All names,charecters, locations and events are products of the author's imagination.Any resemblance to an actual person living or dead, locals or events is entirely coincidental.

To all my crazy people for coming here.......

If you don't like BDSM, Toxicity, Manupulation, Explict conversation, Self Conflict , or you are too innocent to read it then please skip it.....

But if you like this then please stay tune with me ......

Please be patience with my wrong spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes 😊....
I wish it will be very fond of you.......

From your sincerely

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