|| २०- Of Gurus and Conversations ||

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Krishna meandered to the banks of the Yamuna, needing the soothing sounds of Her waves, bubbling and fast yet gentle. She had an innate sense of His needs, and He also loved sitting on Her banks in silence, allowing His thoughts to flow. As He neared Yamuna, He could feel a scintillating joy fill Him, the mere approach towards Her banks soothing His movement even. After all, were He and She not One and the same? Even Their names, Krushna and Krushnaa were reflections and epithets of each other. He could hear Her gentle waves, as if laughing merrily in some delight, and wondered if He could just watch why She was in such delight. Curious, He paced forward faster, when He heard a tone that had quickly become familiar to Him.

"Satyabhama?" He whispered very quietly, such that only He could hear His own voice, and He turned around the trees to reach Yamuna's banks, the sight before Him giving Him pause. He had to smile, as it was indeed Satyabhama, laughing as Yamuna's waves lapped at Her. She stood precariously at the edge of the banks, though Krishna's eyes could see that She was standing on Yamuna's own waters, clearly with the latter's acceptance. After all, could anyone who did not respect Kaalindi ever step on Her waters?

He smiled further, hearing the soft laugh of Satyabhama, moving forward, knowing She would realize His presence very soon. Even as the thought crossed His mind, He saw Her pause, before She turned around, Her wide blue lotus eyes meeting His.

"Devi Saatraajiti," Krishna said quietly, allowing His cadence to speak of His delight in seeing Her.

"Vaasudeva," She said as softly, slipping out of the Yamuna and on to the banks, approaching Him with folded hands. "We seem to keep meeting each other at the banks of Kaalindi."

"She is after all the basis of every single happening in the Universe, is She not?" Krishna said, a smile alighting His face, when He remembered His dream of Kaalindi from the previous night.

"Indeed She is," Satyabhama cast fond eyes at the bubbling river, before turning back to Krishna, and the latter knew what He had to discuss with Her. This was a golden opportunity for the same.

"Saatraajiti, have you thought anymore on who your Guru could be?" He asked Her gently. He had someone in mind who could guide Her, but Her thoughts were important, especially regarding Her own Guru.

Satyabhama brightened at His question, and cast a glance at Kaalindi, before saying, "My Sakhi guided me some on that, and I was intent on starting my prayers to approach said Guru."

"Your Sakhi?" Was She talking about who She seemed to imply?

Satyabhama seemed to bloom at that question, and She nodded happily, saying, "Kaalindi is my Sakhi, and I often seek Her advice. We met when I was nine years old, and our friendship has flourished to this day. I pray to Narayana that it always does."

Krishna felt something warm and effervescent fill Him when Sayabhama said those words. It felt like She was directly telling, almost requesting this of Him. He could feel His smile turn tender at that, and He uttered, "May the friendship you and Yamuna share ever be as it is even today."

Satyabhama looked at Him with wide eyes, a look that felt familiar and dear to His heart, before She blushed and lowered Her head, as if arguing with Herself about something.

"What is it, Saatraajiti?" He asked softly, hoping She did not feel so conflicted due to His presence. He couldn't explain why it was so important to Him. Or maybe He could, but knew it was not time yet to explore that aspect. He also doubted whether the conflict was due to His presence or something She had wanted to express and was debating it within.

"It's nothing much, Mathuradheesha," Satyabhama intoned, looking at Him once again before lowering Her head.

"But it is something, right? I can help you, if you would let me."

Krishna did not want to put pressure on Her, but Her well being was so important to Him, to His heart and continued happiness and calmness somehow.

"Vaasudeva, was it the right decision to choose to enter the army at such a young age? Especially with so much resistance? I have no doubts that I was meant to somehow be a part of the Yadava army, and even now, I feel the time is right. But the unrest it is causing worries me. I do not want to be the reason for such unrest in our Yadava Kula."

"Devi, you are not the reason for the unrest though. It is those who refute change that are," Krishna said gently, understanding Her worries. After all, had this not been His and Dau's as well? Satyabhama had, of course, proved Her brilliance with Her words themselves, let alone the display of Her skills. "In fact, your joining the army is a symbol of Fortune and Prosperity on the Sena by itself. We defeated Jarasandha faster this time around than we had ever before."

"Isn't that also being used to his attacks though?" Satyabhama asked Him, though Her blush was visible to His eyes.

"We have been used to his attacks for many times now, Saatraajiti. But there was a new vigour this time around, and I attribute it to you having officially joined our army."

"If it happened so, it is Hari's grace alone," Satyabhama smiled softly at Him. "He showers blessings on me, ones I am the most fortunate to receive, and that in turn aids me in everything I do. He is the reason, I am merely the action as He directs."

"That is a beautiful expression," Krishna said, feeling emotional at the way She expressed Herself. He silently told Himself that He would do His best to always be there for Her, and that there would not even be once where He did anything against Her. It also seemed like His heart had decided to bloom anyway, despite His wishes to allow the entire story to rest till Satyabhama reached an age where the story can truly unfold in Her life.

"It is the only truth I know," She said earnestly, smiling brightly, brighter than the Sun shining down at Them with his warmth.

"So tell me, Devi. What advice did your Sakhi give you?" Krishna formally acknowledged the friendship Satyabhama and Kaalindi shared once more, smiling more secretly when He heard the latter bubble in soft laughter.

Satyabhama started recounting the whole thing to Him, explaining the conversation She had with Yamuna. Krishna was awed yet again, at how alike He and Yamuna were. She had given Satyabhama the answer the latter seemed to know but needed to hear, just the way He Himself would have.

"And what do you think? Who do you think is your Guru, Devi?"

"Surya Deva, Mathuradheesha."

Krishna had to smile at those words, and nodded His acceptance. He too had thought of Surya as Satyabhama's Guru, given that he was also the friend of Satrajita himself. Further, Surya is the fount of all wisdom, and Satyabhama will benefit from learning as his student.

"He was who I was thinking of as well, Devi."


What did you all think? 

Also a big thank you to Shakrani, for discussing Surya as a Guru for Satyabhama! 

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