|| १५- Rukmini Muses ||

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Rukmini could not believe what had happened in the past day. Not just had Her brother insisted indirectly on a marriage for Her with Sishupala, She had also met one of the foremost of Hari Bhaktas, Devarishi Narada Himself. The sight of him had stunned Her, and She had been blank for a moment, before Her good behaviour and values had kicked in, and She had immediately welcomed the Brahmarishi, one of the first, if She was not mistaken, and offered Him a throne, worshipping His feet with water and arghya, delight suffusing through Her.

"Devarishi, I welcome you to Vidarbha," Rukmini said, after worshipping the all-knowing Sage. She smiled at Him devoutly, though for a flash, She felt as if She were talking to Her son. But that thought quickly vanished, and She was back to viewing Him as the Brahmarishi.

"To be welcomed by you, Rajakumari Vaidarbhi, is the greatest blessing one can ever ask for," Narada said, His voice soothing. Every word He said felt like Hari Naama to Rukmini's ears, pleasing Her heart and Soul. If anyone prayed to Vishnu or even uttered His name in Her presence, She would do Her best to help them in whatever way possible.

"Devarishi, I am but a Princess of this beautiful Kingdom. You are the mind-born son of ParamaPitamaha Brahma Himself, and one of the greatest devotees of Sri Hari," Rukmini said, Hari's sweet name filling Her with delight.

"Rajakumari, you are verily like the Sri who resides in the Lotus chest of Sriman Narayana," Narada said, making Rukmini's eyes widen. His words felt like a confirmation of Her feelings, but maybe now was not the time to dwell on them.

"It is by the grace of Him, Devarishi," Rukmini folded Her palms in deference to the great sage. "Pray tell me, what can I do for you?"

"Vaidarbhi, the slightest of your glances are enough for Fortune to bless the Universe," Narada said, sounding genuine and truthful, filling Rukmini with more questions, though She quelled them temporarily. She wanted to think this out before asking. "I am here to help you, rather. In other words, is there anything I can do for you?"

Rukmini's immediate instinct was to ask about Krishna. Seeing the twinkle in the sage's eyes, He clearly knew that. Trying not to blush, but probably failing at that, She said, "Devarishi, you are all-knowing. Please tell me about Vaasudeva Krishna."


What a sweet name! What delight filled Her when She thought of it! Her arms were covered with goosebumps at the very feeling. Then, how would She react if She ever met Him? The very wish sent Her into a thrill, making Her reel into the dreams and memories that often came intertwined. Oh what was it about Him?

Maybe it was Everything, Rukmini thought, a dark blush covering Her face. She peered into Her mirror, gasping at the red hue Her cheeks had attained. And this was simply by thinking of Him! Then how would She react to...

Rukmini closed Her eyes, allowing the red to just flood Her. What was the point in hiding Her emotions, especially when She was all by Herself. Well, not quite all by Herself. She peered at the Vishnu murthi She always kept near Her, shying when She saw a new type of smile on His face, a seemingly new emotion woven into His handsome face, one She felt She had seen before, pointed at Her directly.

"What can one say about Vaasudeva, when even one who can speak every word known in existence cannot define His glories?"

Those had been Narada's words, and that only told Rukmini that He and Narayana were not different, but the same. He was Narayana, who had descended to Bhuloka for the welfare of the world, the Brahmanda in fact.

Rukmini looked at Her Vishnu murthi once more, smiling brightly at Him, allowing the Knowledge She had of Him flow into a beautiful song, that just burst out of Her in a stunningly spontaneous fashion.


"Mata Gauri," Rukmini said, looking up at the glowing idol of Shivardhaangini, "I don't know what it is about Him that has me completely enchanted! Devarishi only gave me some information, and yet, I am completely enchanted. Is that even possible, Mata? For not having ever met Him? Will I ever meet Him? How am I supposed to behave? Oh Mata, what did you do when you met Bhagavan Shiva?"

Rukmini saw a flash of something very blurry, two women talking, one of whom felt like Rukmini Herself, but in Her most primal Tattva, so to say, before it vanished. Ever since She had met the Devarishi, these visions of sorts had only increased. It wasn't hard to guess why. The words the sage had sprinkled in about Rukmini Herself were probably the reason the visions were now more common than ever. And there was a definite possibility that He was also doing that based on Knowledge He knew, something She clearly did not.

Yet, at least.

She was well aware of the extraordinary horoscope She was said to have; the court astrologers called Her 'Sri of the future'. But is not every woman, every person who felt like a woman, a form of Sri? After all, Sri is all that is feminine.

But something in Rukmini, a little niggling voice, in a tone unfamiliar to Her, yet decidedly female, seemed to tell Her that She was different.

But how was She, Rukmini tried to puzzle out, just as She heard Her beloved grandfather's voice calling for Her.

"Pitamaha!" Rukmini ran to get Kaishika's blessing, hugging him gently but tightly. He was in his early seventies, yet looking not a day older than fifty utmost. He had a soft smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling, making Rukmini smile. Despite Her father having taken over officially as the Vaidarbhi Raaja, Her grandfather had been requested by Her father to have all the power that Bhishmaka himself did, a decision that only made Rukmini delight in how good a man Her father was.

"My darling granddaughter. I have missed you," Kaishika pressed a gentle kiss to Rukmini's forehead.

"If you had said the word, I would have come to visit you, Pitamaha," Rukmini said, leading him to the idol of Gauri, both bowing down to Her, before She turned back to Her grandfather.

"I wanted to come and thank the Mother for listening to my prayers, little one."

Rukmini's natural curiosity was aroused, but She knew how to keep Herself from blurting it out.

"I have wanted my sister to visit us here at Vidarbha, and she finally will be doing so," he said softly, delight dancing across the small wrinkles that had formed here and there on his dear face.

"Your sister? Pitamahi Padmavati?" Rukmini knew all about her. She was the wife of Maharaja Ugrasena of the Andhaka Yadavas, the mother of the late Kamsa, and... oh.

She was Krishna's grandmother as well.


Rukmini unknowingly blushed, flustered now. She would definitely hear more about Him, even if He Himself didn't come.

"I am so glad for you, Pitamaha," She said cheerfully, not allowing the thrum of Her heart to take over.

"And I want you to take over preparations for her welcome." 



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