School Presentation

516 19 12

(Present Day)
(Twins Age 17)

Evy: we are worker drones. Autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our parent company JCjenson in Spaaaaacee!!!!..

Evy: Yeah we were mistreated. But it's not like we revolted and killed all the humans or anything. Mostly because they mostly handle that all by themselves.

*Planet core explodes*

Evy: With life wiped from the planet we found it pretty easy to pick up where they had left off.

Evy: We finally had a future all to ourselves.

*Space Pod Crashing on to the surface of the planet*

Evy: Unfortunately.. our the company didn't love the concept of runaway AIS..

Three drones come out of the pod with huge wings They look down at the workers with murderous intent and start firing their weapons at the worker drones massacring them.

(Location School)

Evy: But what have we done for the past forever while they build a Spire of corpses !?

*Colt presses the remote to change the slide*

Evy: hide under the ice behind three dumb doors ! It's like we're waiting for an incident to happen ! anyway that's why our project is the sick as hell railgun !

Colt: a design created by none other than our mother

Evy pulls out the rail gun that they built together and she twirls it around and points at the class.

*The class gasp in shock*

Evy: easy dummies it doesn't work.. yet ! It doesn't work yet ! Who says it doesn't work !? MAYBE IT DOES !!

She flips the switch on the railgun trying to get on and laughs maniacally pointing it at her classmates again.

*Colt sweat drops seeing his sister going crazy again*

*The teacher unamused sighs*

Teacher: Evy.. Colt.. the homework was a detail about your family tree..

Evy: oh.. and this a rail gun that we built doesn't count ?

Teacher: noo.. plus building a gun like that was only worth 2 points on the rubric.. and is it supposed to turn red ?..

Both Evy and Colt look at the gun seeing it red and ticking before it explodes.

*The students cough hard*

(Time skip)

(Nurses office)

Evy and Colt were sitting in the chairs Evy's face was wrapped in bandages while Colt gently pat her back.

They both suddenly here whispering from the entrance and it's none other than Ken and his sister Barbie*

(Murder Drones) The Rebellious TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now