Raising Hybrids

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(Twins 2 Years Old)
(Sleepless Nights)

Uzi was sleeping peacefully until a cry a little further away from her had woken her up.

Uzi: mmm !.. okay okay Mama's coming..

*Uzi gets off her bed*

She walks towards a crib that was near the wall of her room and looks in it with tired eyes.

*Colt was crying while Evy was still fast asleep*

Baby Colt: Waahhhhhh !!!

*Uzi gently picks him up and gently rocks him*

Uzi: it's okay Colt Mama's got you

She rubs his back gently while rocking him but she could feel him getting a little hot so she walks out of the bedroom with him and goes to the kitchen.

*Uzi opens the fridge grabbing a bottle that was full of oil*

She gives it a few shakes and tries to feed Colt but he was very fussy and didn't want to eat so she got a cotton cloth and gently soaked it in the oil and tried giving it to him like that.

*Colt sucked on the cloth full of oil and slowly settles down *

*He makes a happy face on his tiny screen looking up at Uzi*

*He makes a happy face on his tiny screen looking up at Uzi*

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Uzi: that's a good boy..

*Uzi gently pets his head*

She walks back to her room and gently lays Colt back in the crib as he's sucking on the cloth as he slowly dozes off and she herself goes back to her own bed too.

(Twins 5 Years Old)

Uzi was looking at one of the letters that a certain someone had sent her along with a cute drawing while the twins were in the playpen in the living room with Thad.

*Thad had come over to visit and to help out Uzi*

Thad: hey Evy, Colt. Peekaboo

*Evy stares at him while Colt laughs*

Thad was one of the people that Uzi trusted to not spill her secret of who the twins is father was.

He didn't mind and was happy to be the twinsies uncle and plus it would also make it easier for Uzi too.

Thad: peekaboo

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