enlightening past ch 1

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Sasuke and Sakura were just chilling at home making lunch while Sarada was away at the academy. Sakura cooking obviously and Sasuke helping set the table. When he was finished, he came up behind his wife to hug her. But as soon as they touched, their location suddenly morfed and changed in just a couple's seconds. Sasuke was the first to notice because of his eye and was the first to pull away.


"What is it Anata? Oh—are we?"

"Im afraid so."

They both came to the realization that they came back to the past. But the only question is—how far back had they gone? After trying to absorb their surroundings, they quickly realized they are standing outside of an older looking version of the academy.

"What should we do Anata? Should we go in?"

"Hn, it'll give us a clue on the time frame."

"I'm pretty sure this happened with one of my patients. He came in for a check up after to make sure everything was normal, but he said the situation lasted about 4 days. And he just reappeared back in our timeline randomly."

"Alright. If he came back and everything was the same—that probably means what we do here wont impact our timeline."

"Okay yeah thats true. I'm just worried about Sarada.  I know she's with Boruto but still..."

"Ugh Boruto... Idk if that calms me at all. But don't worry Sakura. She can hold her own."

"I know. Let's just get through the next 4 days Anata."


They both walked through the gate of their old academy with sakura leading then way to their old class.  Old habits came back in full swing. When all of a sudden a small kid slammed into Sakura almost knocking her backwards.

"Hey teme! I was walking here yknow?! Eh—"

Sakura and Sasuke knew exactly who that little kid was but the vocabulary and the neon orange jacket. And if thats Naruto back in the first years of team 7, that means..."

"SASUKE-KUN! Let's go train together—EH! It's that..."

Naruto interrupts young Sakura  after finally putting two and two together.


"Huh?" The genin version of Sasuke peaks out from behind the door frame to see.

"OMG! That's me! I look so cool with my shorter hair!" Genin sakura screeches.

"Wait hows that old man beside Sakura-Chan?"

"Who are you calling 'old man' you dobe." Older Sasuke countered leaving the three genins in shook. They knew only sasuke called Naruto dobe...

"SASUKE KUN IS THAT REALLY YOU?!?!?" Genin sakura yelled while running to hug older sasuke.

He felt a little embarrassed but let the younger version of his wife hug him as she pleased. Older Sakura could feel the younger versions of her husband and Naruto staring at her.

"Awh you guys are so small and cute!" older sakura yells out as she goes and bunches them together to hug them tightly

"we can't—can't breathe sakura chan!"naruto protests.

"what is going on here?"

older sakura cheers when she sees the younger version of kakashi sensei.

"sakura? and mini sakura? two? btw who's that mysterious man mini sakura is all over?"
kakashi asks.

"it's sasuke-kun sensei!!! from the future!! isn't he so handsome?!"

"ah i see. so sasuke and sakura are here from the future? hm. let's go inside the class and debrief."

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