WANDERCRAB STORY SUCKSSS (abyss and mocha desserve better 💔)

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The more I think about the wandercrab story, the more I begin to realize that it actually kinda sucks and the only reason why people like it is because of the very few moments of abysseel yaouri.

The pacing is god awful, there are a shit ton of interesting concepts that go FUCKING NOWHERE, way too much telling and not enough showing, and the ending was absolute trash.

Anyways I'm gonna name a few concepts that could easily make the story better.

1: Show more flashbacks. Have more flashbacks of sugarteara before it collapsed to show the audience that maybe sugarteara wasn't all that, show more flashbacks of electric  eel's old life before he moved to wandercrab, show us what happened when abyss monarch purified the pearl instead of having them just say "Oh yeah I was abused by the city's higher ranks" and then barely do anything with it.

2: Have abyss and lobster interact more. Remember when abyss monarch literally threatened to kill lobster and literally nothing came of it? These two could've had the most interesting dynamic and yet devsis did NOTHING with it!!! Out of all people who needs to discover the truth about sugarteara, it's lobster. Have abyss snap them out of the delusion that sugarteara was an underwater utopia and make them show how horrible the city really was. Hell maybe the two could fight because lobster can't except that their beloved city would really be that cruel. The story literally writes itself.

3: Have electric eel and mocha ray interact more. Basically make mocha have the same arc lobster did where she learns to move the fuck on and accept change. Let girlie come out of her shell and start an actual social life that doesn't consist of sea creatures.
4: Do NOT revive sugarteara. This is the worst fucking story decision devsis has ever made. The entire theme of wandercrab is learning to move on and accept change yet that doesn't work when you revive the thing the characters are literally trying to move on from. What is this miraculous ladybug ass writing?????

5: Show more of lobster doing cookies of darkness business. This part pissed me off the most. Literally what is the point of adding lobster cookie to the cod if they're just gonna, in dark enchantress' words "dance around and sip on juice" and then get kicked out of the cult last second. Maybe have them, oh I don't know, actually do what they've been told in the cradle of darkness story and recruit a bunch of wandercrab citizens. Have them fixate on abyss monarch and have them try to learn how their power works. Let them do something interesting instead of being relegated to electric eel's spouse. If I was De I'd be fucking pissed too.

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