More shittyteara hcs

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Toxic and classist lost city of atlantis wannabe whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????????

The lower ranks were absolutely forbidden from looking at the pearl like that shit was basically a crime. Even peeking at it for 0.5 seconds was enough for you to be put on trial.

Not all guardians were on the same rank. The lowest ranks where treated like complete and utter shit (that unfortunately includes mocha ray cookie...) while the highest were treated with basic human decency and respect... No I'm not trying to exaggerate those were literally the prievelges the higher ranks received...

Lobster cookie was like the head guardian considering that's literally the name of their costume. They were %100 treated with the most respect, octopus cookie even made eye contact with them for 5 seconds and one of the other regents asked them what the time was!!!!!!!

Speaking of the regents, it was literally like livnig in a disfunctional family with those bitches. The second they leave the public eye it's nothing but fighting and petty bickering.

Before they became a guardian, lobster cookie used to dress like adam fucking sandler which sugarteara immediately put a stop to. Clearly it was for the best...

Colors and accessories on clothing were used to show a cookie's class. Dirty fucking peasants usually wore blue which was nothing specail, guardians also wore blue with yellow fabrics and higher ranking guardians wore red fabrics meanwhile regents actually wore golden accessories or pearls.

Being gifted a sugar crystal was like the biggest sign of respect someone could give you. Octopus cookie actually gave mocha ray her little headpiece totally not as a form of love, no room for gay shit here!!!!!!!

Octo docto didn't really participate in the classism or abuse, no they just didn't care enough to do anything about it.

Since day one octopussy always had this small feeling that the other regents were just using them but they were to blinded by there devotion and pride to actually believe and well look where we are now...

Wandercrab actually passed by sugarteara once but only for a split second. Octopus immeditally went on this entire rant on how it was "appalling and disgusting" and how "I could never imagine living in such a trash heap!"

Sea creatures were given major roles that you would expect a cookie to have. Yeah I could go on an entire tangent on ovenbreak's pets in general but I won't.

Octopus cookie's entire beauty routine takes about three to five hours at the shortest. Their employees have to wake up at 2am just to make sure this mf looks decent and everyone spites them for it.

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