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"Is it okay to teach me how to bake already, Ms. Iris?"

Today is only my third day working as a part timer here in Ms. Iris's bake shop. On my first and second day, she taught me about the prices, payment, how to deal with costumer and cleanliness. At that time, it's like she became a different person from the first time I met and talked to her. She's actually nice and talkative, I think only to me. She's cold when her boyfriend Chase is coming to her shop hehe they're so cute. And also, Omi and I still coming and going home together, he's coming here after their practice. 

"Yes. So if I am not here, you can manage this shop alone."

"Eh? Where are you going?" does she had a plan to leave me alone here?

"I mean, if you already have your own shop, you know how and what to do all this."

"Hehe you're right."

She stopped mixing the flour and stared at me. Then she chuckled. "Pfft- you have flour on your face Hazel."

I was stuned to see her smile. "Y-you smiled."

She reached for my face to wipe it off but she forgot that her hands are covered with flour too so it added to my face. "Hahaha oh myyyyy, I'm sorry."

Seeing her laughing made me laugh too. "Hahaha I think you did that on purpose Ms. Iris."

"N-no hahaha, here.." she grabbed my hand that is covered with flour too and put it in her face. "We're even now."

We both laughs and continued our baking lesson with flour on our faces. I am enjoying this, her company. I am learning a lot and at the same time I felt like I have a older sister.

"What a nice view. Bonding between si-"


Her boyfriend appeared at the door, he's leaning on it while crossing his arms. Wow he looks handsome with that hehe don't get it wrong, Omi is more handsome for me.

"Graaaaayyy!" he ran towards her and hugged her. "I missed you!"

'How sweet. I miss my Omi too huhu.'

She elbowed him. "Get off! We're busy."

"So meany." he said, pouting his lips.

"Just get away from me." hehe she's so cold to him. 

"Fine okay. I'll just sit here and talk to Hazel." he sat in the chair across the table, in front of us. "So, how's your life Hazyyy."

Love At Third SightHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin