"I would have killed for one," she continues, taking a beat as she practically sucks her spoon clean before diving in for more. "And maybe that's why I've been so pushy about Abel finally settling down with someone. None of his girlfriends ever really fit in. He tends to date all these snobby bitches, and I don't get it. He's so sweet. It's really a wonder why he's only ever attracted those types."

"Like Shyla?" I quiz, almost regretting letting the words slip past my lips. But I'm curious. I've been so curious ever since he even brought her up the first time. "I mean, from what he's told me she didn't seem like the best match for him."

"That's the understatement of the century. Between you and me I couldn't stand her. It was just something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. Like she had some type of ulterior motives toward my brother, I don't know."

"Well, good thing she left him."

Hailey and I finished eating and made it back before the sun even thought about going down. And just as I thought she would, Hailey lost her lemon chicken as soon as she stepped out of the car.

She only had enough time to run to the trunk so that I didn't have to witness it first hand, but I stayed by in case she needed me.

By the look on her face, I knew she'd be running straight to Tyson and maybe even tucking away in the downstairs bedroom they'd been staying in for the rest of the night.

When I made it up to our room, Abel simply glanced up at me from behind the screen of his laptop. He gave me a smile that was even brighter than usual because of the light beaming on his face.

"Working? We're on vacation," I tease, sliding onto his lap and forcing him to give me attention.

I use the term force loosely, because it didn't take much.

His lips meet mine almost immediately, and I feel myself oozing over him when his warm hands slide against my thighs.

"I know, I just have so much grading to do. Cross was right. It's easy to let it pile up." He sighs, and I feel guilty.

It's my fault. Everything is.

He'd never admit it, but I've cause him more stress than I could ever bare to know. And yet, he continues to keep giving to me.

Loving me, and keeping me around even though it's hard.

I've never had that before.

"I know this is annoying, and I did want to put it off but since we're on the topic of school—"

"I don't know, Abel. I don't know if I want to go to college. And why do I have to decide now? Can't I take a year off?

"Of course you can, you can do whatever you'd like. But I've known so many people who have let one year turn into five years. Then in the blink of an eye you're twenty eight years old, just flipping burgers in grease stained clothes for minimum wage and shitty hours, and I just think you're worth so much more than that."

"What if I want to wear grease stained clothes and work shitty hours..."

He quirks a brow at me and I begin fiddling with the top button on his polo shirt.

"What if...I don't really have to work shitty hours, because Stacy is giving me ownership of Rocket Rudy's next year?"

"What?" He perks up. "Ari, are you serious? That's amazing. Why you didn't tell me?"

"I don't know, it's kind of overwhelming...and since Stacey's sick, it's not exactly something to celebrate."

"Of course it is. You'll be an eighteen year old business owner. Besides, I'm sure Stacey would want you to celebrate."

Stacey would want me to. If she weren't so ill, she'd celebrate with me. She'd be the only one.

I haven't seen her in a while, and I really need to as soon as we get back home.

"Well I think it's a great opportunity for you, but I don't think it should be your end all be all. You should always have options."

"Do you?"

He stops looking at me to ponder in thought, and I can sense some regret. It was evident the moment he brought up his grease stained clothes and minimum wage fears.

"No. I sort of put all my eggs in this sort of English teacher basket...but I can always go back to school. I can always explore other options within the school district..."

"For what it's worth I think you made a good choice. You're a great teacher, Abel."

He stares into me for a minute like he wants to doubt my words. Like he wants to argue against it.

Maybe even indirectly blame me for the fact that he'd been so distracted his first year teaching, but he doesn't say another word.

Instead his lips press against mine and I bat my eyes closed, warm in his arms. On his lap. In his presence I feel nothing but safety.

Love and safety.

Sunshine (Student/Teacher Romance) 18+Where stories live. Discover now