Linc 10 alien Waterspike

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SPECIES: Pitayan-Methanosian

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SPECIES: Pitayan-Methanosian

PREDATOR:Methansian [Swamp-fire]

Plant Merging
Body Alteration
Sharp Thorn Claws
Vine Generation
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Digging
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Flexibility
Vine Whips
Thorn Projectiles
Water Ejection
Sentient plant communication

Electricity vulnerability
ice vulnerability
Strength limit
vine strength limit
Tangled vines
Elasticity limit

WEAKNESS'S: Electricity vulnerability ice vulnerability Strength limit vine strength limit Tangled vines Elasticity limit

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Info:The Pitayan-Methanosian is a native to the planet methanos. Their appearance is similar to that of a fruit on earth called the dragon fruit,Pitayan's are carnivorous vegetarians targeting methanosian and the other sentient plants on their planet.

Pitayans are solitary predators,preferring to hunt alone in their territories as they rarely interact with other members of their species except their children. Pitayans are asexual beings not having a specific gender and reproduce Asexually once they reach two requirements. Once they grow up to a certain age and consume enough Methanosians in order to reproduce, seedlings. Highest recording of seedlings is over 7076,but do bear in mind that not all Pitayan are capable of such feats. This was a rare occurrence but most seedlings do not survive long enough to make it to adulthood.

Methanosians often kill seedlings of the Pitayans to keep their numbers from growing too quickly. Pitayans have no paternal instincts at all only believing in survival of the fittest looking after themselves as once a pitayan gives birth to their seedlings they are immediately abandoned and on their own until they reach end of their life cycle.

Pitayans biggest rival on methanos is more often than not their own kind. Many battles have taken place across the planet for dominance over certain areas of the planet. Methanosians often benefit from these as well, consuming the dead of these skirmishes and using materials they can't eat to forge weapons and armor of sorts to protect themselves against these creatures.

Pitayans only source of socializing and communication is with nature itself. They have such bond with nature and the environment itself that even snapping as something as simple as a twig will cause them to go into a primal rage. Hunting down the target and tearing them to shreds so the environment in their territory will always be taken care of. They go to Great Lakes to provide for planets and trees of their home treating them as one would treat a child. So despite their ruthless and savage natures Pitayans are considered the guardians of
Natures on methanos so older Methanosians teach their younglings the importance of balance of nature and doing their part of taking care their home otherwise less they incure the wrath of the Pitayans.

Pitayans do have a variety subspecies across the universe due to the high levels of hunters and even other alien species that often take these creatures off world to either study or use of profit like zoo's or rare occasions of pets. There have been cases of Pitayans escaping and releasing their young on other worlds hence how other subspecies were born but that dear reader is where the info dump ends until next time. 😉

((Hey guys Green Here. So I figured with this being my own story I wanted this book to have unique species that actually exists in the Ben 10 universe and not just in Lincoln watch,this species was inspired by the Dragon fruit and the wildvine episode from Ben 10. What do you think of this alien and do you think I should make more Lincoln unique aliens actually exist in the lore of Ben 10. If so which ones,leave a comment down below and I'll see ya guys later

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