The alliance

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[Up in space, the Chimera Wrath unleashed three more drones onto the planet to search for the Omnitrix and Nemetrix]

????The drones have launched [the Bioid reported]Equipped with the improved internal tracking system, they should be able to find and retrieve the Omnitrix and Nemetrix my lord.

Vilgax:They may find them [said a still-healing Vilgax] But retrieving them will not be easy. Whoever possesses those watches continue to be opponents of extreme danger and inspiring brilliance.

[At a gas station somewhere in New Mexico, Ben walked by clutching his stomach as he groaned. ]Ben:Man, I'm starved [He then noticed a stack of boxes of cookies by him. He licked his lips and removed a box from the stack... which caused the stack to lose its balance and cave in on itself, burying Gwen ,who was on the other side,in boxes]

Lincoln:Smooth move, bro [Lincoln said as he witnessed the debacle going on and face-palmed Himself]

[The kids then left the gas station to see Max fixing up the Rust Bucket. He wiped off the window, clearing a sign in the dirt on the glass that said 'Wash me' with a frowning face]

Max:Nice artwork, Ben.

Ben:You know, makes a statement.

[Suddenly, an energy blast came from out of nowhere and destroyed a nearby truck]

Lincoln:No, that's a statement! [He shouted]

[They looked to see three biker thugs wielding laser cannons. They wore helmets that looked like they were decorated with graffiti. The leader sent his lackeys out to rob the gas station as she looked to the Tennysons]

????:What are you looking at? [She asked as she aimed her cannon at them and charged it up and Max gasped]

Max:Kids, get down! [he shouted as he pushed them away from the blast as he ducked as well and the laser missed and struck a support pillar behind him. He groaned as the kids gasped]

Ben:I've got to get grandpa! [Ben said as he slammed the core down and Lincoln glared as he looked at his Nemetrix as he transformed into Rocksteady]

[The leader's lackeys returned with bags full of money before they heard a whistle and spotted Four Arms slam all four of his arms down and caused a minor earthquake in the ground that sent them flying]

Four arms:Go! [he shouted to his family as they ran for cover behind the Rust Bucket. He then looked to see the guard stumble out of the damaged truck dazed before he looked to see the giant alien in front of him]You okay?

[The guard screamed and ran away from him as he groaned

Four arms:I wonder if that was a 'yes.

[Suddenly, Rocksteady pushed four arms out of the way as he was struck by the leader's cannon, sending him flying into another support pillar as he landed on the ground just fine.]

four arms:Whoa,nice cover,partner [He complimented Rocksteady before he made a huge jump and dropped on the bikers,sending them away]

[Fourarms has Two of them pinned against the armored truck while Rocksteady has the other on pinned on the ground. But when it's revealed that the bikers behind the helmets are women,he hesitates]

Four arms:Huh?[he asked, confused] You're all women. I don't want to hurt...

[He was then struck in the blast by the laser from the leader, named Rojo]

Rojo:Well isn't that sweet.

Gwen:Clobber her!

[Four Arms then glared back at Rojo, when all of a sudden, the drones from when he and Lincoln first got the Omnitrix and Nemetrix appeared and started firing lasers on them as he gasped]

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