𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 ♡

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A squeal comes from the front of our apartment and I raise my eyebrows and walk out of my room to see what the sound is. 

Ariella jumps up and down,  her messy braid bobbing with her and she wraps her arms around another brunette,  a blonde following closely behind her.   I grin,  Sage Astor and Barbara Leigh Van Doren.   Barbara walks over to me and kisses my cheek.  "Hey, love!" 

"Hey!  I didn't know you two were arriving so early."  I accept her tight hug. 

Sage lifts a shoulder in a slight shrug,  "the plane came early." 

I raise a confused eyebrow and turn back to Barbara she just shrugs.  "Dad made some calls is all."   Spoiler:  not only is Knox super whipped for Anastasia but also for his daughter. 

He treats her like a princess and if she doesn't find a man who does,  he might light him on fire.

Ari grabs her phone and a large shit-eating grin spreads on her face and she points her phone towards me and my mouth falls open.  "Ari?! Whose dick is that?  I swear to God, if that's Remi's I am going to riot." 

Sage scrunches her nose,  disgusted. 

"No. I wish. That's a dick for you, silly."  Ari rolls her eyes. 

I gape at her.  This girl has seriously gone crazy.  "Um- no thank you?  I don't even know who that belongs to." 

Sage grabs her phone and glances at it,  her stare not unwavering.  "Yeah,  I think that's the point,  Alie. It's like Tinder but with dicks."  Barbara raises a perfect brow and leans over Sage's shoulder to see the app she's scrolling through.  

A quick explanation,  Barbara is like the stylist of the group,  she makes sure everyone has an outfit and their makeup done anywhere we go.  Sage is the badass,  she has a bike,  I'm pretty sure even her brother,  Remi,  is scared of her which says something in my opinion.   And Ariella  is the stalker.  I'm pretty sure she can find anyone based off of a first name. 

And well,  I'm just me. 


I yawn and sit up from my book that I'm currently hunched over,  my hair sticks to my face because I fell asleep on it.  

"Fell asleep?" 

I jump at the voice,  "O mój Boże!"   I sputter. 

I turn around to see Vaughn with an arched eyebrow.  "Polish?" 

I set a hand over my racing heart.  "God, you scared me?  Why are you here?  You don't even go here or King's U for that matter." 

"I do now."  He states simply.  "Also you didn't answer my question." 

As if it is simple. 

"Not that it's any of your business but I went to boarding school in Poland,  it slips out every now and then."  I shrug and collect my text books,  slipping them back in my bag and I stand up to walk out but he sticks up a hand to stop me. 

"So dismissive.  I wasn't able to answer your question either.  I go here now,  as in Royal Elite University,  because I found something that interested me."  His lips quirk up. 

I blurt out,  "And that something is?"

Why do I keep entertaining this?  

"It would ruin all the fun if I told you."  A grin spreads on my face,  not so much a happy one.  More of a threat inlying in it,  what could I have possibly done to get him following me around now? 

I raise my eyebrows.  "I have to get going,  my brother has a fight." 

"I know,  I'll take you."   He nods. 

What?  "Um, no thank you." 

"That wasn't an offer.  Come on, malen'kiy pisatel."  There he goes again with that godforsaken nickname. 

"If my brothers see me with you they'll be upset,  I'm not supposed to be with-"  I stutter out and then clamp my mouth shut when he gives me a leveled stare and then chuckles,  which may be the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.  "That's the point,  isn't it?" 

"You're a quick learner."  He starts to walk out and I follow him. 

"I'm not going to pawn myself off to you for some scheme to get at my brothers."  I frown at him and cross my arms.  

He tilts his head.  "It's not like I'm telling you I'm going to fuck you." 

My cheeks flame with embarrassment and his eyes shine with... amusement?   Of course this asshole would get off on other people's discomfort. 

"Well I'm not going with you."  I retort. 

He opens the door to his sleek black car and slides into it,  rolling the window down to look at me.  God,  those eyes.  My fingers itch to grab a pen and write about them.  "Fine,  then stand out here in the cold." 

I huff and open the passenger's door and he tilts his head to look at me,  I shift slightly as his eyes do a lazily slow perusal from my face,  down my tight tank top and to my leggings clad thighs.  "You scrunch your nose when you're mad,  it's cute." 

My cheeks warm again. 


I swear to god,  if I wasn't trying to be a morally good person then I would have murdered Vaughn myself.   First he tries to... flirt,  if that even what I try to call it,  and then he completely ignores me the entire drive. 

When he parks,  I get out of the car practically before he even turns the engine off.  If he wants to piss my brothers off by being seen with me, that's not what he's going to get. 

I do everything but run inside and a loud chorus of chanting people greet me,  I look around for my friends and I spot Sage standing close to the exit.  I hurry over to her.  "Where are Ari and Barbara?"  I question,  rubbing my sweaty hands on my leggings.  Is it hot in here?

"Ari is following Remi around somewhere."  She lifts a shoulder.  "And this isn't Barbara's setting so she stayed home for some 'TLC'."  I laugh and squeeze her hand. 

"Looks like it's just you and me." 

"And me."   I squeeze my eyes shut when I hear Vaughn's way too familiar voice and suddenly the warmth has returned to my cheeks. 

Sage raises her eyebrows.  "And who are you?" 

He scoffs.  "I'm sure I don't need to answer that ignorant question,"  I'm practically sure she's about to punch him until he says,  "I'm just here to accompany my girlfriend." 

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