𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨 ♡

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By the way Alicia is staring, or glaring in this case,  at me one would've assumed that I killed her cat.  I glance away for her for a minute to realize that she's with Brandon King, Glyndon King,  and a recently stepped in Cecily Knight. 

"Would you excuse us for a moment?"  I say to no one in particular. 

Alicia forces a smile, it falters for a moment. "Sure!"  She makes an effort to nudge Brandon to walk away. 

"I wasn't referring to you, malen'kiy pisatel."  My eyes are met with confused blue irises. 

"Actually we do mind."  Cecily buts in and I stop myself from rolling my eyes.  Luckily, Glyndon grabs her hand and walks away,  followed closely by Brandon.  Good, the Kings do know what's good for them. I turn my head back to focus on Alicia,  her blonde hair is in a clip,  with pieces that fell out to effortlessly frame her face.  She's wearing an overly large, knitted sweater and leggings.  I look down,  are those bows on her boots?  I smile.  "You look like a Taylor Swift song, Alicia." 

"I'll take that as a compliment,  and it's Alie, well that's what my friends call me-"  She begins. 

I cut her off since I couldn't care less about her friends nor what they happen to call her. "Are we friends?" 

"I didn't say that." She fires back. 

"Semantics, it was implied."  I lift a shoulder. 

She rolls her eyes. "You talk just like Killian.  Do all of the Heathens talk the same?  It's like the same guy copy and pasted." 

"You talk to Killian much, malen'kiy pisatel?"  I arch an eyebrow, amused. 

"He's my cousin's boyfriend."  She glares up at me.  "Why do you keep calling me that?  What does that mean?" 

"Term of endearment."  I drawl. 

She eyes me skeptically.  "Coming from you? Unlikely.  Not that I know of course.  I've just... heard about you."  She starts rambling when she's nervous,  I struggle to fight back a smile.  It's cute. 

"And what is it that you've heard about me?" 

She chews on her lip,  considering what she's going to say.  "That you're dangerous.  Is that a true statement?" 

"Depends."  I shrug.

"On what?" 

Before I can answer I look up and I'm met with a piercing stare.  Two sets of piercing stares actually.  Landon and Eli King.  Shit. 


My head whips to the side.  "Is this what you aristocrats call talking nowadays?"  The right side of my mouth floods with the coppery tang of blood.  I watch as Creighton prepares to hit me again.  "And relax with the hitting,  don't you have a fight?" 

"Shut up."  He growls. 

Eli looks relatively unamused despite the current situation.  "What the fuck are you doing with our sister,  Morozov?" 

"I was talking to her."  

Landon laughs,  lacking any actual amusement.  I'm pretty sure I've never seen the psychotic asshole experience any actual emotion except for Mia Sokolov,  Killian's cousin and Nikolai's sister. 

"She's going through a lot,  she doesn't need being involved with the Heathens added onto that list."  Eli states calmly. 

"That's awfully presumptuous.  And what is it that she's going through?"  I question. 

He frowns at me.  "I'm not going to answer your questions to fulfill your twisted fucking fantasy of my sister." 

"And I'm not going to hurt her.  Unless she's into that." 

"Sick fuck."   Creighton mumbles and my lips tilt up in the corners.  "If you ever lay a finger on Alicia,  we will destroy you."  

"What?  Burn down the Heathens mansion?  Pretty sure you already tried that." 

I'm met with a frown. 

"Since,  I hold a certain level of respect for Killian."  Eli states,  "I'll let you go on a warning.  Hurt my sister and you won't live to remember it." 

"I don't think I can thank you enough."  I say dryly. 

"And why is it that we can't kill him again?"  Creighton begrudgingly steps away from me,   allowing me to stand up from the chair that I was tied to.  "Because this wasn't to start a war, this was to have a conversation."  Eli states,  and then they walk away,  leaving me where I am.  What dicks. 

Conversation my ass.  I massage my sore jaw. 

"What the hell happened?"  Nikolai asks when he walks in.  

I shrug.  "The Kings wanted to have a chat." 

He tosses his head back and laughs.  "And what was it this time? Water boarding? The good old beat down?" 

My eyes narrow at him.  "I'm slightly concerned with how amused you are." 

"Who was it that this topic was concerned? If it was Glyndon,  you might have to worry about a visit from Kill next."   He grins like a goddamned fool and I shake my head.  "No. Alicia." 

His grin widens.  "The little King." 

"Yes,  not that it's anything to you." 

He shrugs.  "No just pure amusement." 

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