"Is everything alright, Mr. Shilage?" She asked with a slight concern in her voice.

Mihaly gives her a side glance for a while and then gives her short reply. ''Yes.''

Not too long, a message come in to Seydlitz, from Eugen. She then looked at Mihaly. ''Mr. Shilage, you are ordered to take off...''

Mihaly silent for a while. Before finally he gives a short nod. He then inhales and exhales while grabbing his fingers. ''Looks like this is my time...''

The preparation begins. The siren drones prepared on the deck. Their red lining goes bright as their engine roared. One by one, the drones starts taking off in pairs. Launching to the blue sky high and disappearing. Mihaly prepared on his cockpit as his aircraft being taxiing to the main runway. As his aircraft stopped and prepared to taking off, four Doppelgangers of Su-30M2 appeared behind his aircraft.

''All aircraft, check.''

''Sol 2, Clear!''

''Sol 3, Clear''

''Sol 4, Ready to take off!''

''Sol 5, Green for sky!''

Mihaly's Su-30 Saturn AL-31 whizzing loudly a fire stream can be seen lit behind its exhaust nozzle. As he prepared to take off, he glanced at Seydlitz who staring him in worry at the side of the runway. He sighed, and then do a salute gesture towards her. Seydlitz who realizing it silenced for a while. Before she finally following Mihaly's gesture.

The speed restriction pulled up. Mihaly pushed the speed throttle. The aircraft then starts running on the runway deck in pair with Sol 2, followed by pair of Sol 3 and 4, and closed by single Sol 5. The five Su-30s pulled up to the sky. And joinging with other siren aircraft.

''Viel Glück, Herr Shilage...''


The wind blows calmly as the sun begins its descent to the west. Seagulls chirped like a song on the beach accompanied by the light lapping of the ocean waves. On that peaceful afternoon, The three of them soon sat down at a round table, waiting as Belfast prepared their tea.

"S-so..." Enterprise starting off to say.

"Yeah..." Evelyn also said with a nod.

"I guess, we should talk about it..." Belfast said once she finished preparing the tea and sat down beside them, trying to break the awkward tensions between Enterprise and Evelyn.

Enterprise and Evelyn kept quiet, still feeling a bit awkward around each other.

"So..." Enterprise finally said again. "I guess I'm gonna say it... I'm sorry..."

"Say what now?" Evelyn shot back, pausing for a sec before she continued, "You're gonna spit out a sorry? Oh, come on..."

Belfast quickly intervened. "Evelyn," she started off. "Let her speak...." She said in gentle tone

"Oh come on, Belfast. You know exactly what she's gonna say. She's going to give a sappy apology and expect me to accept it," Evelyn said with a dismissive wave of her hand. Enterprise gave Evelyn a serious stare before finally saying. "Yes... you're right. I'm going to say I'm sorry. But... I mean it."

"Yeah... no," Evelyn replied, clearly not convinced at the slightest. "I don't believe you."

Belfast looked straight at both of them, trying to maintain a neutral expression. "Enough," she finally said, a bit more firmly than she actually meant. "What?" Evelyn shot back, now sounding a bit irritated as well.

"I said enough," Belfast repeated, still maintaining her neutral expression.

"Whatever..." Evelyn replied with an annoyed tone.

TRAILBLAZERS : Aces from another world ( Azur Lane fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now