Hot day and... welcoming night

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The five days after the successful operation were very quiet. There were no siren attack warnings nor was the faction they referred to as the ''Crimson Axis'' present. It was a completely quiet day. It was very different from the old Nimitz with all the hustle and bustle. Patrols almost flew several times a day. Though not always for the purpose of engaging the enemy.

 Only Enterprise was standing on a limestone cliff. The others were busy with their own business while she decided to take a short break. The sea breeze seemed to flutter her long gray-white hair. Her violet eyes were observing the Azur Lane base from up there. The grass and trees swayed in the cool sea breeze. Her pair of eyes then caught the activities being carried out by the four human pilots down there.

"Yo, Noelle! Pick up the pace! You're lagging behind!" Evelyn yelled at Noelle who stil running around the hangar apron

"Why am I always the one catching flak? What about the other two?!" She responded in irritated tone.

"They're already done!" Evelyn yelled back while seeing Mason and Morgan already finished their lap.


Enterprise only noticed activities that she found uncommon in the battle against the sirens. But even so, she held firm to her principles. That the four of them were different from her, and the other shipgirls. The principle that shipgirls were weapons, not people.''I'm sometimes surprised, but I'm also amazed that at times like this they can relax a bit.'' said someone from behind her back who was none other than Yorktown, her older sister..

"Sometimes I'm taken aback, but then again, it's kinda cool how they can chill out in moments like these," remarked Yorktown, sneaking up behind her—her big sis, no less.


"I know you're mulling it over too," Yorktown said, giving Enterprise's shoulder a squeeze. "Human beings... or tools. Ain't that right?"

Enterprise stayed silent, 'cause deep down, she knew her sister hit the nail on the head. Yorktown then smiled at her. That gentle smile... was on her lips. Who would have thought that a figure known for her sternness in Eagle Union could smile so gently? She then grabbed Enterprise's cheek and spoke again.

''You need to know, we are no longer the weapons we once were. We are just like them. We have hearts like them, we have free time like them, and feelings.'' She said as she then observed the four pilots closely. Enterprise was only silent, but listening.

''Therefore, I beg you, live and erase all those bad memories. Smile like others.''


The afternoon was getting hotter. The shipgirls prefer to stay in the dorm or hang out at the bar with the others. The lucky ones could, but the unlucky ones were on patrol duty, having to sail under the scorching sun. The sky was so clear that there were no clouds at all. Four hornet riders were sitting around in casual clothes.

Not because of what, but because of the heat.

''Hot....'' Evelyn complained while wiping her sweaty forehead. I don't know what was going through her mind that she was only wearing a tanktop and pants.

Noelle had also been going back and forth to get water from the dispenser in the cabin, while Morgan leaned back in his folding chair while chewing on the omelet sandwich he had made earlier for breakfast, but forgot to eat. Meanwhile, Mason seemed to be just lying on his chair with sunglasses protecting his face. Evelyn glanced at her squadron leader.

''Hey, Wolf. Are ya' awake?''

Mason keep silent. Might be he's really sleep

So, like, this crazy idea just popped into Eve's head, right?

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