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A young Caucasian girl with short ginger orange hair, bright jade green eyes, and flawless ivory white skin was meditating on a jet black yoga mat and dressed in a black cat kunoichi suit with her eyes covered in a black blindfold. She was relying on her other senses and using them to pinpoint her targets. The young child prodigy knew this dojo was where the Murakami Clan was killed and left with her master still living as a spiritual guidance to her after they died in a peaceful rest.

The young American girl hears a shuriken heading her way and caught it with her two fingers snapped between the sharp throwing star. She soon starts dodging and deflecting multiple throwing melee weapons from arrows, kunai, senbon, darts, and shuriken with a wooden katana till the rain of weaponry has stopped with her targets pinned to the walls and ceiling. The ginger-haired girl bows at her opponents and nodded while placing the kendo stick back on the mat.

She suddenly froze to sense somebody charging at her and does a Judo hip toss to retaliate from their incoming attack. The redheaded child lifts the blindfold off her green eyes and stares at her godfather with a small grin, pointing the kendo stick right between his ice blue hues. The man chuckled in amusement and was proudly impressed at his godchild's instincts to defend herself.

"Surrender Uncle Bruce?" Her honorary godfather known as the billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne nodded before he tries to sweep her off her feet and she responds by doing a backflip on all fours like a cat.

"Just like your mother, always one step ahead of yourselves." The playboy replied with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Excellent response Kitty," the ginger-haired girl turns to see her beloved godmother jewelry entrepreneur Selina Kyle with a proud look and glowing hazel green eyes. "Come now, let's get you two something to eat. Alfred made something you both will enjoy."

Bruce picks up his giggling godchild and kisses her forehead as she clung onto him. Alfred served them a delicate meal that the young child elegantly eaten and showed her loved ones she was growing up much mature faster than usual. Selina remembered how her godchild was reading books in the library, educating herself on school subjects, writing her own essays, and much more successful accomplishments that got this little girl the highest elite levels of knowledge.

'She'll be growing up soon,' the Dark Knight thought as the Fallen Angel helped up their godchild and get her ready for some girl time. 'Eva got a few months left to join Mystik Academy and a few years till she gets into Friedkin University, she's gonna be happy with this gift.'





Eva was gently doing Richard "Dick" Grayson's dark brown hair with tenderness and tidying him up for the gala they're going as a pretend couple. She carefully tied his silk tie right into place before doing the golden cufflinks on his suit's sleeves and working on the last Flying Grayson's fancy shoes she waxed with some strong kind of black shoe polish. Eva wasn't fully dressed yet and was helping her new friend on his appearance.

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