Untitled Part 20

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The urgent knocking roused Mordrian from his slumber. Rubbing the sleep from his weary face, he glanced out the window to find the night draped in darkness, illuminated only by the sparkling stars.

Knowing that Krann wouldn't disturb him without good reason, Mordrian wasted no time in rising from his bed and answering the door.

"What's the matter, Krann?" Mordrian inquired as he opened the door to his loyal servant.

"I apologize for waking you at this late hour, Lord Mordrian," Krann Foggus said with a hint of remorse. "It's just that Lord Gregory has returned, and he brings news about the Lornvaul Mountains."

Without hesitation, Mordrian descended the stairs and made his way to the main hall of the keep. Upon entering, he found the hall bustling with activity, filled with people eager to hear Gregory's report.

Among them were the Noxian expeditionary cavalry, as well as Darius, who was engaged in a hushed conversation with Gregory.

Mordrian's gaze then fell upon the most conspicuous sight in the hall: the massive carcass of a creature resembling a multi-legged insect. Its long tentacles dragged across the hard floor, leaving faint traces in their wake.

Approaching the carcass, Mordrian observed it closely. The creature's sharp claws gleamed menacingly in the magical lamplight, while its powerful jaws left no doubt about its ability to crush trees and rocks with ease.

"Gregory, it seems that the exploration of the Lornvaul Mountains didn't go as planned," Mordrian said softly, his eyes scanning the damaged armor adorning the creature's body.

"Yes, my lord. During our expedition, this strange insect creature ambushed us from underground," Gregory shrugged, recalling the encounter with a mixture of relief and concern. "If I hadn't sensed a slight energy disturbance beforehand, we might have suffered greater losses. Fortunately, we managed to kill the creature in the end."

"An underground ambush?" Mordrian mused, recalling the information he had read in the monster atlas back in Perry's Castle. "It must be a Burrower, a formidable subterranean creature capable of rivaling knights in strength. They often lurk between mountains and forests, digging winding tunnels beneath the earth."

He then noticed the fatal wound on the creature, inflicted by a heavy cavalry spear piercing its body from below. It was Gregory's handiwork, Mordrian realized, acknowledging his strength as one of the most powerful forces within Jauntfort, second only to Darius.

"Make a note of it. The creature is called a Burrower, adept at underground ambushes. Only those with the strength of a knight should confront it; others should avoid it," Mordrian instructed, gesturing towards the dented armor worn by the Noxian expeditionary cavalry.

"Also, be wary of its ability to spray acidic liquid as a means of defense."

Clapping his hands, Mordrian stood up and circled the Burrower's carcass once more, but found nothing of interest. With a hint of regret in his eyes, he decided to dispose of the monster's remains, knowing that they might be of interest to mages specializing in monster materials.

However, just as he was about to leave, he remembered something important.

Drawing Gregory's black sword from his waist, Mordrian swiftly sliced open the creature's head. Dark green blood mixed with pale viscous fluid flowed onto the floor, and a brown, irregular crystal rolled out, emitting a crisp sound as it hit the ground.

[Ding... Energy source detected. Allow system to break it down?]

Surprised by the unexpected discovery, Mordrian allowed the system to proceed, watching as the brown crystal vanished into thin air, leaving behind a notification.

[Congratulations, Host. You have obtained 5 blue essences.]

"Krann, contact Cooper tomorrow. I need him to gather monster crystals for me," Mordrian instructed, realizing that this was another way to obtain blue essences, which could be used to change the current situation.

"Yes, my lord," Krann nodded.

"Gregory, tell us about the situation in the Lornvaul Mountains," Mordrian said, taking a seat at the wooden table in the hall and tapping it lightly.

The Lornvaul Mountains represented Mordrian's future plans, and for everyone present, they were of utmost importance. They had come to the Karadimos Continent in search of their own territory.

"My lord, our exploration of the Lornvaul Mountains went smoothly at first, with few dangers encountered. However, as we delved deeper, the dangers increased, culminating in our encounter with the Burrower, which forced us to retreat," Gregory explained, pulling out a parchment map with some rough markings.

Taking the map, Mordrian narrowed his eyes, recalling the warning from Old Jack at the Oak Inn. The Lornvaul Mountains had become increasingly dangerous in recent years, even becoming a forbidden land.

Was it because of the presence of monsters, or were there other reasons?

Lost in thought, Mordrian licked his dry lips, feeling a surge of desire for the blue essences. Looking around at the people gathered in the hall—Darius, Gregory, Krann, and the Noxian expeditionary cavalry—he couldn't help but entertain ambitious thoughts.

Ambition, perhaps!

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