Untitled Part 11

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In his past life as someone who struggled with social relationships, Mordeian is somewhat fortunate that the Peris family is a merit-based noble house, and Beniyiz also belongs to the merit-based noble faction. Visits between them are more straightforward and less formal.

However, given the current circumstances, Mordeian, as a family outcast, considers Beniyiz's perspective. From Beniyiz's behavior in Edaras City, it's clear he remains neutral and doesn't want to get involved in the inheritance disputes of the Peris family.

*Dong! Dong! Dong!*

Mordeian lightly taps the wooden table with his left hand, his brow furrowed. If he were to visit in person, Beniyiz would likely refuse him at the door. The assistance provided outside the city walls is already considered generous.

It's a harsh reality. Regardless of other considerations, Beniyiz, as the city's warden, has the power and status to do so.

Because of this, in the northern part of the kingdom, only Beniyiz can help Mordeian obtain the hidden abandoned outpost. The relationships between merit-based nobles aren't as complicated and sinister.

There aren't many suitable candidates for the journey. Cooper, who once served as the personal guard of Viscount Brook, is the best choice.

After making the decision, Mordeian prepares to send Cooper to Edaras City tomorrow. He feels the urgency of time and the need to establish his own logistical base quickly. He knows his brother and the Jeffery family won't allow him to develop quietly.


The waiting time always seems long, and inner restlessness disturbs Mordeian. It's hard to imagine that one day he would be so restless, unable even to focus on practicing the Crimson Breath technique.

During the dull and idle days, Mordeian mostly chooses to spend his time in the tavern, listening to mercenaries and merchants chat about various topics from all over the continent, passing the boring hours and learning about the continent's affairs.

Occasionally, he also explores the terrain around the Renwal Mountains with Drelus. Without hired guides, he doesn't overestimate his abilities and values his life.

"Hey, kiddo, you haven't been looking too good lately," Jack, sitting at the tavern bar, remarks.

"Thanks for your concern. I haven't been sleeping well lately, probably because I've been away from home for too long," Mordeian replies, rubbing his weary face.

"From the looks of it, this is probably your first time away from home, huh? Yeah, being away for too long does make you miss the taste of home," Jack agrees, his tone tinged with inexplicable sadness.

"Hey, Old John, bring a flaming shot for this little guy who misses home, put it on my tab," Jack calls out to the bartender.

"I won't refuse then," Mordeian says with a smile, accepting the shot from Old John.

"Customer, your gold shield tab has been used up. If there are no issues, you're welcome to continue staying," Old John says, wiping the bar with a cloth and looking up at Mordeian.

"Well, that was quick, huh?" Mordeian furrows his brow at the news, then shrugs, saying, "I'll arrange it as soon as possible."

Whether they're squires or knights' attendants, their daily training consumes a lot of meat. Moreover, Mordeian has about a dozen cavalry under his command, so the consumption of meat at the Oakwood Tavern is definitely not insignificant.

As for Drelus, Mordeian doesn't pay too much attention to his training methods. His meat consumption is only slightly higher than that of an ordinary knight's attendant, which is surprising to Mordeian.

Time flies, and the winter's azure starlight shines down. A crescent moon hangs in the sky as the residents of Ervendell Town begin their night revelries.

Another seemingly disappointing day, but Mordeian sees Cooper returning to the door of his room, his face covered in dust and exhaustion from the journey.

"Lord Mordeian, Cooper has not disappointed!" Cooper says as he sees Mordeian's figure, stepping forward to bow, hands holding a sealed wooden box.

"You've worked hard, Cooper. Rest up!" Mordeian takes the box, patting Cooper on the shoulder.

Watching Cooper leave, Mordeian immediately returns to his room and opens the sealed wooden box. A relieved expression appears on his troubled face.

Inside is a detailed map and a letter stamped by the military department of the Stok Kingdom.

Without much consideration, Mordeian sets off with Drelus. If the outpost is confirmed to be usable, he doesn't even plan to bring Cooper and the cavalry with him.

People's hearts are unpredictable. Even followers can encounter unexpected situations.

Heartless? Selfish? Perhaps. I'm just trying to survive. Mordeian hides his inner shame and begins to accept his own transformation in this cruel environment.


Clatter! Clatter! Clatter!

The cold wind howls, and the faint moonlight reflects as two figures riding warhorses dash through the snowy night, kicking up snowflakes in their wake.

"Lord Mordeian, we have pursuers, not many in number," Drelus's deep voice rings out.

At his words, Mordeian, riding swiftly on his warhorse, looks up at the night sky. The crescent moon shines brightly, illuminating the dark road ahead.

"Have they arrived already? They're faster than I expected."

"In that case, kill them. I'll wait for you up ahead," Mordeian turns to Drelus and says, watching the burly figure disappear into the darkness.

Thanks to the Hero League system, as long as Morde

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