Untitled Part 2

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The deep red sunset spilled from the horizon, soaking into the withered plains, with a faint mist rising, faintly obscuring the distant view.

"Is this the Wilderness Plains?" Modrian gently pulled the reins, controlling the warhorse clad in chainmail beneath him, gazing at the desolate and barren plain.

From sunrise, departing from the Peris Castle, to now, sunset, safely arriving at the Wilderness Plains, the journey has not been as interesting as imagined. The monotonous scenery along the way shattered the illusions in Modrian's heart, revealing the mundane side of the world of swords and magic.

Modrian silently patted the head of his warhorse, skillfully riding along the journey with the expertise in equestrianism from the fragments of memory, without appearing too exhausted.

Looking back at the group of cavalry following behind, twenty cavalrymen riding on warhorses clad in chainmail, their strength ranging between knight apprentices and knight squires.

This was the expedition team prepared for him by his father, Viscount Brook. As for other manpower and resources needed for colonization, they could be recruited on the spot after arriving at the town of Ervendale.

"Lord Modrian, the nights on the Wilderness Plains are not very safe. I suggest we camp on the edge tonight," Captain Cooper Aldworth rode up, asking with some concern, afraid that the young noble in front of him would refuse his suggestion.

Modrian turned his head to look at the resolute and steady middle-aged man before him, once a personal guard knight under his father, Viscount Brook, now a cavalry captain under him, after a simple dispatch command.

"Yes, let's arrange it," Modrian nodded in agreement.

As someone who lived close to the Peris territory, Modrian had heard many times about the harsh incidents on the Wilderness Plains. Besides wild beasts roaming at night, there were even instances of passing merchant caravans pretending to be bandits, engaging in killing and looting. Without sufficient martial power to deter them, there was no guarantee of safety on the Wilderness Plains.

"Understood, Lord Modrian."

Upon hearing this, Cooper immediately turned his horse and shouted to the surrounding cavalry to spread out and search for a place to set up camp.

"Everyone, get busy. Milne, check the supplies and prepare for camping," Cooper commanded, and Milne, a young cavalryman, responded promptly, then dismounted and ran towards the horse-drawn carriage carrying the supplies at the back of the cavalry formation.

With the camping spot determined on a slightly raised mound, the cavalrymen quickly got busy. They watered the horses, unloaded the tents, and at the same time, assigned personnel to prepare dinner and keep watch.

Modrian, however, seemed somewhat out of place at the moment, or rather, there was some dissatisfaction within the young cavalrymen. Even with Viscount Brook's command, they didn't truly accept Modrian's presence.

After the busy work was finished, smoke rose lazily over the campsite. The cavalrymen gathered in small groups, chatting and laughing, seemingly unconcerned about any mishaps.

This was a cavalry unit belonging to the nobility. The bandits active on the Wilderness Plains might not dare to attack recklessly. However, if anyone did dare to ambush, they didn't mind showcasing the martial prowess of the cavalry for the young noble.

After enjoying a meal of exquisite food, Modrian entered the prepared tent early, holding a pristine feather pen, writing something on a low table.

"Crossing the Wilderness Plains signifies the official entry into the northern part of the Stock Kingdom. The endpoint of this journey, the town of Ervendale, is located in the far north of the kingdom."

"Then we will recruit manpower in that cold region, which seems simple, but the information in memory suggests that the area is rarely visited, and recruiting enough people may not be easy."

"Indeed, it's nominally a reward, but in reality, it's a place of exile."

Modrian smiled bitterly, seemingly thinking of something. He put down the pure white feather pen and took out three things from the accompanying package: a golden paper, a common letter, and a red brocade box.

"My sister's gift, perhaps it will help in the current situation."

When Modrian left the Peris Castle, these were given to him by Du Lu Komi, the old steward, as a parting gift from Miss Sophia, his sister.

Sophia Peris, Modrian's sister, but he had few memories related to her. He only knew that she was a mage apprentice studying at the Violet Mage Tower in the capital.

"I hope it will be helpful in the current situation!"

Regardless of whether it was his nominal cavalry unit or the distant journey ahead, Modrian deeply understood the danger of his current situation. A slight misstep could lead to disappearance as silent as his predecessor.

Carefully opening the red brocade box, a delicately patterned blue ring lay quietly on the silk cloth, emitting a faint brilliance on the surface, appearing gorgeous and noble.


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