Untitled Part 6

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battlefield at the time. The presence of numerous bandits is one of the enduring problems. In this cold region, these seemingly stubborn and persistent bandits roam freely, raiding and slaughtering people in the wilderness, making the northern part of the kingdom even more chaotic. During more than a month of travel, Modrian and his party experienced numerous waves of robbery and ambush. Warhorses and weapons were the favorites of bandits and thugs, making greedy killings inevitable.

"Cooper, is that Edaras City ahead? It seems lively!" A group of hastily marching cavalry arrived at the foot of the mountain. The leader lifted the cloak covered with wind and sand, revealing a young face with short, fragmented golden hair welcoming the sunlight, and his brown eyes exuded a taste of wind and frost. "Yes, Lord Modrian, that's Edaras, the golden crossroads of the kingdom!" Cooper at his side, riding his warhorse, pointed to the towering city coldly standing between the high mountains. The weather made the ridges of the mountains icy and sharp, and the nearly twenty-foot-high city wall perfectly blocked the only road at the mountain pass. The crowded people, dense caravans, and faces of other races appeared from time to time. As the most prosperous city in the northern part of the Stoke Kingdom, Edaras City is the brightest pearl of the Silver Pine Province. It is also the trade center of the northern part of the kingdom. Its excellent location connects it to all directions, north to the Gates of Sorrow, adjacent to the Empire of Eranfalor, west to the Kingdom of Bexilic, and east to the Grand Duchy of Tanbepharsa, earning it the title of "Golden Crossroads." Here, countless travelers come and go every day, bringing exotic goods from different countries and news from all over the continent to the northern part of the kingdom. Gazing at the majestic city, Modrian couldn't help but sigh. It was almost as modern as the cities on Earth in his previous life.

"Is the Gate of Sorrow further north, the kingdom's fortress of war?" Modrian continued to ask curiously, with unknown thoughts flashing in his brown pupils. The Gate of Sorrow. Mentioning this name, Cooper recalled that on the other side of the Gate of Sorrow was one of the strongest empires on the continent of Caladimos, the Empire of Eranfalor. The icy road guarded by the Gate of Sorrow is the only passage between the two countries, which also led to the ten-year War of the Kingdom caused by the invasion of the Gate of Sorrow by the Empire of Eranfalor. The Stoke Kingdom was truly entering a turbulent period, and a slight mistake could lead to its downfall.

"Yes, Lord Modrian, the Gate of Sorrow, the kingdom's powerful fortress of war, Lord Viscount Brook once made great achievements there, and I was fortunate to participate." Cooper's face showed reminiscence. The hot-blooded years are gone forever, but the memories are deeply engraved in the soul, occasionally recalled. Listening to Cooper's words awakened fragments of memories in Modrian's mind about the passing years. His father, Viscount Brook, was ennobled as a baron of the kingdom for his achievements in the ten-year War of the Kingdom, and he was a hero of that war.

"Let's enter the city. Edaras City is not far from the town of Ervindale, and it's our last stop for rest. The reason for choosing to rest here is simple. Compared to other surrounding cities, Edaras City is less influenced by the Jeffrey family in the northern part of the kingdom. There are many forces here, especially near the Gate of Sorrow, which makes the Jeffrey family reluctant to openly extend their hands here." Modrian and his party followed the crowded flow of people and entered the city safely, encountering no obstacles or incidents along the way. The old soldiers guarding the city gates had already noticed the difference in this group from afar. The silent and quiet atmosphere, the formation maintained during walking, all indicated that this was a terrifying group of elites. Without checking their travel documents, the soldiers let them enter the city directly. Perhaps Modrian didn't realize yet, but to outsiders, walking before and after this group, one could feel an inexplicable oppression, a feeling of strangers not to be approached.

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