Chapter 3

22 5 19

"Amy, how much longer? I'm hungry

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"Amy, how much longer? I'm hungry." Addy asked glancing at her watch.

"Five minutes more." I said turning the steering wheel to the left.

"You are saying the same thing from the last 30 minutes. Do you really know whether if this is the correct way?"

"Ofcourse, this is the right way. I've visited it a few times, myself." I nodded remembering the route.

"I don't think so." she mumbled.

"We are almost here." I stopped the car to a halt, when we reached the restaurant.

"Addy, wait for me inside. I'll park the car." I said and drove the car to the parking lot as soon as she got out.

I'm so hungry. I just had a tea in the morning. I didn't have my breakfast because of my parents, obviously. They nagged me about getting married again this morning. Which made me leave the home in anger without eating anything.

Result of not obeying your parents.

It doesn't matter, whether I'm mad at them or they are mad at me, at the end I'm the one to suffer. I had to wait for lunch break to eat something. So I brought Addy with me to have lunch and also to treat her to momos as I promised.

I quickly parked the car and went inside to join with Addy. It's an indo-chinese restaurant. The interior is filled with Nepali paintings and Chinese dragons all over the walls. This place is well known for momos and dumplings. I spotted Addy at an empty table, looking at the menu list. As I reached her, I took a chair and sat across from her.

"What do you want? Did you choose anything?" I asked gesturing towards the menu in her hand.

"They all look delicious, I'm confused." Said Addy. I called the waiter and ordered momos and dumplings for us and he left with our order.

"You know, why I always ask you to give me treats?" she said propping her elbows and leaning on the table.

"Why?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"It's because, you know tasty food places." She said smiling from ear to ear.

"And do you know, why I always treat you with food whenever you ask me?" I looked at her folding my arms.

"Why?" she said bringing her eyebrows together.

"It's because, you know how to convince people." I said in the same tone she used before.

"Stop mimicking me." She hit my arm playfully.

"Really Addy, I love to hangout with you." I said genuinely.

Addy and I were not that close back in University. We met in a group project and used to wish each other when we meet in the corridors or in recess. After my internship was confirmed in heavenly hues, she appeared in the office on the first day. She told me that she also selected here as an intern. From then our bond got stronger.

She's a petite women with brown skin and heart shaped face. My favourite part of her face is her nose. She got a cute button nose with a silver ring adorning it. I'm jealous of it because all I got is a big fat one. Everyone say it's perfect and suits my face. I also like how it's straight and long but the tip is just a little big.

Addy can easily make a bunch of guys fall for her with her smile but she never tried. Even though she says she like to hangout with boys she never dated one. It's just she likes to tease me knowing very well that I don't like men. I don't like relationships but I never stopped her getting into one though. I'm not such a person who makes others' lives worse because mine was not perfect. It's her life after all.

"I love it too. It just makes me happy eating with you." She said to which I smiled.

After a few minutes, the waiter came back with our food. Addy's eyes twinkled seeing momos.

Like minded friends.


"Eat everything, I even ordered dumplings for you." I said waiting for her to taste it. "Thank you, Amy. You're the best!" She squealed. She quickly took a bite. Her eyes widened at the taste.

"These are really amazing." Addy said with a mouth full of momos. I smiled at her antics.

I too started eating the food. I don't know if they made them so tasty today or it's because of my hunger, they tasted so good. I don't have a count of momos I'm munching but I'm pretty sure, if anyone looked at me eating like this, they would think I'm starving for a week.

"You said, you didn't have breakfast right. Why?" Addy asked me suddenly.

I huffed slumping in my chair "My parents! They are convincing me to get married."

"Marriage?!" She's shocked at my words. I pouted nodding my head. "Yeah. They were telling me about the same thing this morning, that's why I ate nothing and left home in anger."

"Then why don't you get married?" her tone was mischievous.

"You joking? You know I don't like men right. Then how do you expect me to marry someone." I asked in disbelief.

"If my parents asked me to marry, I would have married immediately without a second thought." she took a bite of dumplings looking at me with a little smile.

I folded my arms "Then why aren't you married yet?"

"It's because.. my sister is not married yet. They say the first born girl has to marry first." she said shrugging her shoulders.

"My parents says the same thing. What will happen if my brother marry first?" I forced my fork in one of the dumpling with frustration.
"It's just their belief, what would society think if your brother got married first instead of you."

"Stupid beliefs, stupid traditions. Now enough of this drama. You said you got tickets for cricket match right. What about it?"

"Yeah, I got two passes from one of my school friend. It was so hard to get them online. But he luckily booked extra tickets just in case. I got one for you." she said handing me the pass that she bought with her.
I took the pass from her hand. "Thank you. When is the match by the way."

"This month 22nd. I'm so excited." she said clapping both of her hands.

"Me too. Ee sala cup namde!!" I fist bumped in air.

"Hunnn!!!" we said in unison and laughed.

Addy was born and brought up in Karnataka even though her father was from Mumbai. But she never left her traditions as a south Indian. She loves her culture.

Now as I am living in Bangalore and a big fan of Virat Kohli, I always supported RCB in IPL like Addy.

After that we both continued talking about random things and finished lunch. Then we went back to the office to do our work.

The rest of the day was fine but I'm afraid to go home. I don't know what mumma will do this time to convince me. Urgh.


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