"So frail." Bai Li commented in a small, harmless voice. The hair pin had broken off against impact, the sharper half scattering off the table.

"You are merely too strong, my Lord." Qing Yu stated. The blind swordsman pulled a napkin from his robes and walked forward, bending on one knee as he gently took his master's hand into his own. Yun Tian blinked in surprise when Qing Yu started to gently dab at the specks of blood on the spirit's palm. "Perhaps we should order one made from diamonds."

"And whose heart would I stab with it, yours?" Bai Li scoffed, already looking away to the other hair pins the new maid was presenting. "No, not these, get me one with a colourless gem."

The maid bowed and left as Qing Yu turned his cloth over, using a clean side. "Not the chest, my Lord, the eyes."

"Is he supposed to be saying that? Yun Tian, what is he saying?" Shang Wu furiously whispered at his side, eyes wide with concern.

Bai Li turned towards his swordsman and though Yun Tian could not hear them from where he stood, the slight excitement in the spirit's voice made his hair stand on end.

"Qing Yu, what a clever mind you have."

"Or perhaps you could use it to hunt, my Lord." Yun Tian interrupted. The two men's heads turned towards him at once. Qing Yu gave him an encouraging smile while the gold of Bai Li's eyes bore into his, uninterested.

No, irritated. Was it because he spoke?

But it was too late to stop now. "I heard there are many dangerous animals this time of year in the forest. Perhaps we could even hold a contest, if my Lord so wishes."

Silence stretched after he spoke and Yun Tian's body grew more and more tense as time passed by. Bai Li did not look away from him nor acknowledged he spoke at all, he simply stared. Golden inhuman eyes looked into his soul and suddenly Yun Tian felt bare, as if he was standing naked before them all.

Finally, the spirit turned away. Yun Tian let out his breath and, noticing that his hands were still on the hilt of his sword, he slowly pulled it away. Placing his arms down once more.

"Psst." Yun Tian turned to his left when Shang Wu called him. His friend had a grin on his face. "Nice save."


Shang Wu's smile fell immediately. Yun Tian had never seen a person move so fast as his friend snapped back into position, back straight and hands clasped tightly behind him. But Bai Li wasn't looking at him, he wasn't looking back at any of them.

The spirit had pulled his hand out of Qing Yu's hold, there was a new hair pin in his palm now. One with a colourless gem.

Lady Lin saw the expression the spirit and nodded proudly to herself once, face still hardened.

"Yes, I like these." Bai Li concluded, placing the pin on the table where the maid hastened to pick it back up. Along with the white robes, the two maids walked towards where a bleaming ruby chest laid, a smaller golden chest beside and as one they placed the approved items inside.

The spirit turned back towards the other maids just as Qing Yu returned to his spot behind. "All of you, get out. Leave the chests."

At once, all of the maid servants bowed to their waist. With the exception of Lady Lin who politely lowered her head, hands clasped in front of her before she silently signalled all her maids to gather and leave the pavilion.

"Is that all for today, my Lord?" Qing Yu asked, confusion heavy in his voice. It was clear this had never happened before.

"No. You, short hair." Bai Li beckoned and Yun Tian knew at once he was being summoned.

Sorrows of SerendipityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon