part 4

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After y/n left Taehyung he could not took care of his health, he skipped his breakfast and sometimes lunch as y/n always make his breakfast and took lunch to his office. He was being weaker day by day , dark circles was all around his eyes , he was looking skinny, always felt tired .

Today ,he became senseless in his cabin , Jin took him to hospital.

Doctor : he is not taking proper care of himself, if it's going like this then you know what will happen.

Jin nodded after listening doctor's word.

Doctor : is he passing through a depression phase? Cause he looked like that he is depressed. Take care of him , gave proper meal on time and don't let him do work for two days as he need some rest.

Jin went to Taehyung , but saw that tears running from his eyes while looking towards the window beside his bed. Jin took a stool and sat beside him.

Jin : i think we should go home now.

Taehyung looked at Jin. Jin's heart clenched after seeing his brother at this condition. He looked away from Taehyung.

Taehyung : h-hyung?

Jin : hmm?

Taehyung : will she leave me?

Jin : I don't know.

Taehyung : plese Hyung tell me , will she leave me? I can't live without her , please hyung tell her to come back to me ( while crying,)

Jin : (scoffed) did I tell her to leave? Did I slap her infront of so many guests? Did I insult her? Then why should I tell her to come back , it will better if she don't come back.

Taehyung : no Hyung , don't say like this , I never told her to leave.

Jin : you could have stopped her from leave house at night. She cared for you , she never neglected your health, always wait at night without eating for you to come just want to eat with you. Did you ever ask her that if she eat something or not?
( Tae looked down)
When mom and Somi always taunt her for being middle class , did you ever take stand for her? When they compared her with Sohyun you also joined with them. Then now why you want her to come back to you?? Did you ever see that me or dad compare our spouse with anyone? Then from where did you learn this? I will be happy if she leave you and marry someone who will support her , stand for her.

Jin said while getting angry but taehyung's heart dropped while listening Jin's word. Then they went towards his car . Jin sit on driver's seat and made Taehyung at passenger seat. He was thinking about what Jin said earlier.

" What if she really leave me? Will she divorce me and marry someone? "

They reached home , Jin was holding him while going towards inside. Mr.Kim sat in sofa , then he looked at tae and asked Jin " what doctor said?"

Jin : don't let him work for two days and take care of him as he is so weak for not eating for some days.

Mr.Kim hummed , Mrs.Kim and Somi came but got worried after seeing his condition.

Mrs. Kim : what happened with him?

Jin : he is just weak mom.

Then he took tae to his room. Sohyun came out from kitchen after hearing car's horn.

Mrs. Kim : I knew that girl never take proper care care of my son , she is nothing for good.

Somi : how can you think that she will care for him ? She was just with him for his money .

Jin was coming down after let tae laid down on bed , he heard what his mother and sister said.

Jin : SHUT UP SOMI!!! You are talking too much.

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