Feeling ignited

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Some days passed away we got to know each other then there was a party in our coaching at that day for first time we got to talk each other clearly

"how much money we have to bring for contribution" I asked "50 rupees that's it" Savi replied

At that day we both got each others Instagram Id at that day for first time we both talked to each other on Instagram call

At that day a boy from our coaching called his two friends who was uninvited in the party he just said that they will also give money at the same spot they gave the money

"Hey I am not feeling comfortable should we go inside and then continue our party" Savreen said "As you wish we can do party wherever you want"

After sometime of party when we had our snacks Savreen said "Rehan can you please send vansh and his two friends we are not feeling comfortable around them"

"Okay wait I will do something" I said "Hey vansh we are going to home now but beofre going home we have to clean up here so can you please leave early we will leave after sometime . Is it okay to you ?" I asked from vansh "Okay we will leave" He said.

After sometime vansh and his friends leaved the coaching and then we continued our party we had our leftover snacks and we played some horror game we bought a cake for Christmas which we thought that we will eat but the plan changed in between we started playing holi with the cake at that time a little cake cream fell on my shirt I didn't noticed it

"Rehan there is something on your shirt" Savreen said I become tensed cause it was a white shirt and if my Mom find out about this she will sure kill me "Where ? Where ? What it is ? "

"on your shoulder" Savreen said at that time Savreen said that come with me and she cleaned my shirt with a handkerchief . It was the time when my feeling was at the peak somehow her feeling is ignited on that day also

"It is done" Savreen said "Thank you. you saved my life" I replied at that day when I saw her i wasn't able to describe the feeling I got after that moment

"is this love or is this just a attraction" My mind asked from me "No no no you are getting it wrong she just helped you nothing else" I said while talking to myself

and after sometime our party ended we all started going towards our home the day was over "Good night" She said while going to her home

"Good night really ? Now I will not be able to sleep whole night just because of that moment" I said to myself while walking home

At that day I really wasn't able to sleep she was running on my mind whole night things was going different I used to stay awake at night but this time my mind wanna sleep but my heart was making delusions

Couple delusion


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