Beau grimaced and went to walk out to where Susannah and his mom were, before he could get anywhere though John caught his arm in a tight grip. Beau winced, tugging at his arm as the man started to talk in disgust. “You disgust me. Why are you even here?” Beau stayed silent. His comments usually didn’t make any grammatical sense, everything seemed like a rushed out essay.

“You’re such a failure, no one wants you here. No one cares about you. No one loves you. They will never love something like you. A fucking disappointment. ” Beau let out a shaky breath, those words stung. He froze for a moment, his mind wandered, did Jeremiah really love him? Or was he just playing him? Did his mom, Steven, and Susannah actually care? Was everyone just pretending to love him?

“Just remember that, Faggot.” John roughly let go of his arm, the boy stumbling a bit as he tried to catch his balance. He didn’t respond to the older man as he walked out. Just stood there, processing the words, they sunk in faster than he wanted to admit. He didn’t want them to. Yet they did without his permission. It was like each word John said carved its way into his skin.

He lingered in the kitchen, his weight resting against the counter, lost in contemplation amidst the searing, venomous words that were echoing through his mind. Soon enough Jeremiah walked into the kitchen to grab some water, just to flush out the alcohol in his system. “Beau?” The boy looked up at his boyfriend, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his eyes just barely relaxed at the sight of the younger blond.

“What’s the matter?” Beau inwardly sighed, the words echoing quieter in his mind. He looked at Jeremiah in contemplation, maybe John was right. Maybe this was all fake. Maybe Jeremiah didn’t really care about him. “Nothing.” The older boy glanced at him. A glimpse of insecurity washed over his eyes yet was gone before Jeremiah could notice. “Are you sure? You look a bit deflated.”

Beau forced a small, fake smile.

No one cares about you.


They will never love something like you.

“I have to go check on Mr. Quakers…see you later Jere.” Beau excused himself, briskly heading up the stairs, locking himself in his room leaving a solicitous Jeremiah down in the kitchen. Beau laid next to the sleeping duckling, blankly staring at the ceiling.

A fucking disappointment.

You’re a disgusting Faggot.

No one will ever love you.

A tear rolled down Beau’s face.

Get the fuck out, you’re no son of mine.

Why do you have to be my product? Why can’t you just be fucking normal?

Twink. That’s what the fuck you are a fuc-

John’s voice was cut off from his mind as the door opened. Laurel walked in as he quickly wiped away his tears, his eyes slightly puffy, although you wouldn’t be able to tell without looking close enough. “Hey sweetheart, we are about to eat, let's go downstairs, okay?” Beau just nodded, not yet trusting his voice to stay steady.

The younger twin followed his mother downstairs, he went outside as she stood in the kitchen for a bit as Belly came in holding two margaritas as she drunkenly giggled. He stood at the edge of the pool as Susannah walked into the house to retrieve the cake. A few seconds later, Susannah was walking out with the cake with a smile on her face, “Where’d all the kids go?”

John looked up from where he and Victoria were talking, “Uh, more for us!” Susannah smiled enthusiastically, “That's the spirit, John, my eternal optimist.” She walked down the steps, Belly hot on her trail, “Ooh, I want the piece with the strawberries!” Her foot slipped, sending her crashing into Susannah. The two fell harshly, Susannah’s cake stand flying into Beau, who caught it and she also crashed into him, sending him into the pool.

“Got it! Uh oh-” He fell into the pool rather harshly as he kept the glass above the water, keeping it safe from the water and concrete. He lost his breath underwater for a few seconds before he was able to get out of the surface, gasping for breath, the cake holder securely in his wet hands. “Beau! Belly, oh my god are you okay? Beck?” Laurel went to help her son out of the pool as he coughed harshly, gently setting the cake stand down.

“I’m fine, I’m fine mama.” He reassured her, a cough following after his words. Adam went to help Susannah up as Laurel scanned over her son before hugging him tightly with a sigh of relief. “Honey, are you okay?” Adam asked his wife going to help her up, “Here let me help.”

She pushed his hands away harshly, “I got it. I got it, stop it. God, just go away.” She shakily sat up as Belly let out a muffled groan as she also sat up. Beau made no move to stand up as he sat by the pool, trying to catch his breath, shivering slightly as the wind hit his wet skin, making him feel cold.”Damn…that hurt.” He whined playfully, yet his words held truth as he rubbed at his chest, where he was mainly hit.

“Are you okay, Suzie?” The young blond asked in concern, turning to her as he kept his hand on his chest. She smiled weakly at him, “I’m okay Beau–” She moved to hug him tightly. “Thank you for saving my grandma’s cake stand.” She raked a shaky hand through his hair as Belly frowned at the two, John scoffed quietly with an eye roll.

“My pleasure!” He smiled happily at her, wrapping his arms around the woman’s waist, hiding his face in her nape, contently hugging her back as he closed his half-lidded eyes, all previous thoughts fading away from his mind. Laurel and Susannah shared a warm smile at the boy as the other two Conklin’s scowled in disgust.

Hey guys! So I heard that they are taking off private messages on Wattpad, so instead if you guys need to get in contact with me– you can use my instagram!

My insta acc is: im_a_ghost_one_mf

I know so original right ;p

Well anyways, if you guys don’t have insta just comment and ask if I have a different social, I may! So I’ll drop that too lol!

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