Chapter Eleven

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<You're my safe haven<3 >
-Chapter Eleven: Thank god, Bye Taylor

Beau and Jeremiah were sitting in his car as Belly said goodbye to Taylor, who had been flirting with Beau the entire ride to the bus station. Beau was watching the girls when he felt Jeremiah's hand creep under his, playing with the oldest fingers. Beau used his other hand to cover his face as he blushed and looked out the window. Jeremiah played with the rings on Beau's fingers as he looked up. "Hey..Beau?" The boy looked over at his boyfriend. "Do you..." Jeremiah stopped to gather his thoughts before he spoke again while Beau listened to him intently. "Do you think we should tell our parents?" Beau looked at him in contemplation, staying silent for a second. Jeremiah fiddled with Beau's fingers more.

"I think...that if you are okay with it and you want to tell them, then we can." He smiled at the Fisher boy, turning to him in his seat, Jeremiah doing the same. The couple smiled at each other, Beau felt as if he was compelled to lean forward. His eyes glancing down at Jeremiah's lips before shifting back up to his eyes. Jeremiah doing the same. Sadly before they could lean on any further Belly climbed into the car loudly, "Ugh let's go home. I need to talk to Steven." Beau pouted as Jeremiah rolled his eyes, turning back in his seat and putting his seatbelt on, Beau following.

The car ride home was pretty tiring, Belly complaining threw the entire car ride, Beau driving with his hand on Jeremiah's thigh most of the ride, Jeremiah taking sneaky photos of his boyfriend, who by the way looked hot while driving his jeep. Luckily Belly didn't seem to notice Beau's hand resting on the inner part of Jeremiah's thigh. "Hmmm, do you know what's for dinner?" Beau asked the boy in the passenger seat, who shook his head. "I think Mom said tonight she and Laurel were going out and it was a fend for yourself night, Conrad and Steven decided to go meet up with Nicole and Shayla. Steven explained what happened to Shay already. So I guess that leaves You, Belly, and I." Jeremiah's voice sounded like heaven in Beau's ears, drowning out Belly's dreadful complaining.

The oldest nodded before Belly spoke up in annoyance, rolling her eyes. "I am actually going to Cameron's for the night. So sadly you guys are on your own." Beau's eyebrow raised while Jeremiah smiled. Unluckily for them Belly just had to ruin it, "Though, it's not like you guys will even hang out. Like Beau's probably going to hide in his room with his stupid little duck." Beau didn't let her see that it affected him as her eyes were focused on his face to see his reaction. Instead Beaus' hand tightened on Jeremiah's thigh as the younger placed his hand on Beau's. They kept silent for the rest of the way home. Belly constantly making snide remarks.

The aggravated boy pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car before rushing over to Jeremiah's side and opening his door with a soft smile. Jeremiah's face flushed as he stepped out. "Well thank you." Beau mock bowed to him, "Anything for you handsome." He winked before standing up as Belly looked at the two in disgust before scoffing and stomping over to the house. Beau and Jeremiah blinked before bursting into a fit of laughter, soon enough the two's laughter died down. "So....we get the house to ourselves tonight." The older's eyebrows wiggled suggestively, Jeremiah smirked at him playfully "I mean...I guess we are." He stepped closer to Beau about to kiss him before they were called into the house again. Both boy's sighed, Beau opening his once closed eyes, admiring Jeremiah as he also opened his eyes. "You're so know that?"

Jeremiah blushed and tapped his chest "Alright Bee, we gotta go inside." The two stalked inside, Beau slightly behind Jeremiah as he watched the younger's ass, he bit his lip and nodded his head, placing his hand on his chin in a soft check mark pose. Jeremiah felt his eyes and turned quickly "Stop looking at my ass!" Beau looked at him offended and threw his hand in the air, in a defensive style. "I was not!" Jeremiah shook his head skeptically before turning back around and quickly walked into the house as Beau whistled lowly, slowly following him back into the house.

Finally they walked into the house, noticing Belly and Steven talking outside, while everyone else was in the living room. "Finally!" Laurel dramatically sighed as Susannah smiled at the boys, "So, me and Laurel are going out tonight, I know Steven and Conrad are going out with their girlfriends and I don't know about Belly or you two." Susannah told them. Jeremiah smiled at his mother "Belly said she has a date with Cam Cameron." Laurel's eyebrow rose, "So that leaves you two. What are you going to do?" She lightly smirked as she looked between the boys, Conrad looked smug as Susannah had a devious smile on her face.

"Oh we are probably just gonna stay here, I'll cook dinner, watch movies in my room, do something...productive." His tease went unnoticed by the three others, Jeremiah caught it sadly as his mouth gapped at the boy. The mothers smiled as Susannah clapped. "So that's settled! Laur and I leave at 5:30 so that's in roughly 20-25 minutes." Conrad perked up "Dang already? Steven and I gotta go." He winked at the boys before heading out to get Steven and they left. Belly walked in and looked at Laurel "Cameron's going to be here in like 5-10 minutes so like, I'm gonna go get ready." She went up to her room, as soon as she left Laurel and Susannah turned to look at the boys but they had moved into the kitchen, Jeremiah sitting on the counter while Beau stood in front of him.

Both discussing what to have for dinner...well more like Beau asking Jeremiah what he wanted for dinner. Beau would make anything Jeremiah wanted. Even if Beau could potentially be injured. Whatever made his boyfriend happy. Susannah leaned on her friend, the mothers both happily watching the son's conversation. "I swear they are so in love." Laurel shook her head, smiling fondly at her boy, her son. "Oh I know Laur...I know." Soon enough Cameron picked up Belly leaving the four in the house alone. Jeremiah sighed and looked at Beau, who was busy looking for recipes on his phone. "Hey Bee.I think this is the perfect time to tell our moms."

Beau immediately put his phone down when Jeremiah started speaking, and nodded. "Yeah..I think that's probably you want me to call them here real quick?" Jeremiah nodded and Beau went to retrieve them. Jeremiah started to overthink, what if Laurel didn't WANT him to date Beau? What if Susannah would judge them? What if they tell their dads? I mean both Beau and Jere aren't particularly close with their sperm donors. Before he could think of more things, he felt Beau's hand on his leg. 'Are you sure you want to do this?' He mouthed, Jeremiah nodded in return before facing their mothers.

Laurel and Susannah looked at them questionably as they took a breath. "Well mama...there's a conversation we need to have-" Laurel's mother instincts kicked in "Oh my god did you get someone pregnant?!" Beau looked bewildered "WHAT? I'M GAY!! Y-you KNOW this!" He stuttered out as both Susannah and Jeremiah stifled a laugh at the two..."Oh yeah." Laurel scratched her head "Continue boys." Susannah shook her head.

Jeremiah took over seeing as Beau's eyes and face were overall shocked as he looked at his mother. "Uhm mom..Beau and I..are...together?" He slowly told them, his voice going up slowly as their faces broke out into massive smiles, "I KNEW IT!" The Fisher woman did a victory dance as the mothers were celebrating, shocking the boys. "We need to throw a party! Oh and-" Susannah started rambling on and on about the two before she froze.

"Wait a minute...when did this happen? Cause I distinctly remember telling Beau this morning that Jeremiah was in love with him and Beau telling me they were just friends." She placed her hands on her hips as Beau chuckled awkwardly with a grimace. Jere and Laur looked at him shocked as he scratched his neck. "Like...last night at the party." Susannah and Laurel were basically squealing so loud the whole neighborhood could hear, they started asking questions and rambling. Jeremiah cut them off "Don't you guys need to leave?" Their eyes widened as they started to rush out. "Use protection!" Laurel called out, Beau and Jeremiah flushed as they heard their mothers laughing as they headed out the house.

Soon enough it was just the two of them.

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