Chapter Seven

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<You're my safe haven<3 >

-Chapter Seven: Happy 16th Belly

The next morning Jeremiah woke up to Beau running his hand through the younger's hair as the Conklin boy watched Percy Jackson And The Olympians, the TV show on Disney plus, Mr. Quakers silently watched with him while he sat on the pillow. Jeremiah yawned sitting up, making Beau pause the show. "Morning" Beau smirked at Jermiah, evoking a blush from the teenager.

Jeremiah untangled their legs hastily, ultimately accidentally falling off the bed. Beau sat there for a second before he burst out laughing, "Oh my god- are you okay?" The older boy's laughter quieted down as Jeremiah looked away, blushing. "Y-yeah." The Fisher boy got up, sitting back on the bed as Beau sat up, Mr.Quakers looking between the two confused. "Uh what time is it?" Jeremiah asked him.

"Only 6:42, though we do need to head downstairs soon, today's Belly's birthday." Beau replied, holding eye contact with Jeremiah. The boy's face shined in realization. "Pancakes!" He cheered, throwing his fist in the air, imitating a fist bump. Beau chuckled at him getting out of his bed. He walked over to Jeremiah, looking down at him "You're too adorable." Both boys' faces flushed as Jeremiah went to respond before getting cut off by a knock at his door. Beau quickly placed his hand over Jeremiah's mouth.

"Honey? It's time to go downstairs and set up for Belly's birthday breakfast." Laurel's voice came from the opposite side of his door, Beau faked a cough looking at the blond boy in front of him, "Okay mama! I'll be right down." Laurel left and went downstairs. Beau sighed as Jeremiah licked his hand. "Ew- What the hell?!" Beau whined, wiping his hand on his shirt. Jeremiah laughed "What did you not want your mom to hear us?"

Beau blushed "Shut up. I don't know why I did that." Jeremiah laughed again. "We need to get ready." Beau pushed the younger as he laughed along with him.

With Laurel and Susannah

"Beck!" The Conklin mother called out to her best friend, beckoning her over. Susannah obliged, looking at her best friend confused. Laurel smiled, "I swear I heard Jeremiah in Beau's room when I went to tell him to get up." Susannah smiled brightly "Oh my god! I knew it!" The two mom's continued to fangirl over the boys' relationship before Beau walked down, Jeremiah following behind, both having a confused look on their faces.

Beau playfully narrowed his eyes at them, "What are you two giggling about over there?" Susannah shared a look with Laurel then they both turned to look at their sons "Nothing." They replied in unison, bursting out into a fit of giggles again. Beau and Jeremiah shared a look, raising an eyebrow at them before dismissing them. "Sure ma."

After a while Steven and Conrad joined them, Conrad, Beau, and Jermiah were helping Susannah with decorations while Steven was helping Laurel with the pancakes when Belly walked into the room. "Good morning Everyone." Beau looked at her and gently smiled. "Morning Birthday girl!" She didn't respond, in return he got a side eye and a fake smile.

Susannah went up to her happily and brought her into a hug. "There's the birthday girl, looking like a vision in floral. Happy birthday." They both laughed as Jeremiah gave her a small hug "Happy birthday Bells." Steven looked up from where he was making the pancakes. "Now Belly Button's getting old finally. Happy birthday." He smiled at her.

"Thanks everyone" Laurel looked at her daughter smiling softly as Beau placed a few more decorations down. "Happy birthday sweetheart." Laurel brought her into a hug as Conrad turned to look at Belly. "Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready." Belly denied them, telling them she wasn't hungry so they decided to open presents instead.

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