Chapter Four

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<You're my safe haven<3 >

-Chapter Four: Thank you Remy

When the boys got to the bonfire they all split up, Jeremiah and Beau stayed together as Jeremiah wrapped his arm around Beau again, walking over to the drinks, he grabbed a beer and opened it. "Do you want anything to drink? They have capri suns." Jeremiah told him and Beau's eyes shined. "Yes!" Jeremiah chuckled and handed him a cherry flavored capri sun.

"Are you ready for Senior year?" Jeremiah asked the older boy who groaned. "Don't remind me." He whined, throwing his head back. Jeremiah laughed at him and was about to respond before a group of girls walked up to them with the intention of flirting with the two boys. "Hey boys" One winked at Beau, who shifted uncomfortably. "Ladies! Hey" Jeremiah smiled and tightened his hold on Beau.

"What are your names? Another girl asked, looking them up and down."Uhm B-Beau." He stuttered looking down at his feet, kicking the sand lightly, hiding further under Jeremiah's arm. "Oh you're cute." The first girl chuckled, making Jeremiah's jaw clench. "Jeremiah, and sorry ladies, Beau here is not attracted to women." The girls looked him up and down. "I'll change his mind." A girl mumbled, sadly Beau heard and shifted even more uncomfortable than he was before, taking a sip of his capri sun.

Jeremiah glanced at him to see his face slightly scrunched up, and decided it was time to make their leave. "Well sorry ladies, we have to be on our way." He said and guided Beau over to Steven only to see him making out with a girl, "OH Nevermind. Stevie boys got game." Jeremiah laughed as they walked away to find someone else they could hang around. Beau chuckled and went to say something before they heard shouting.

"Why am I embarrassing?!" They heard, then they heard "Stop it! Steven!" They looked over to see Belly and Steven arguing, then Belly fell right in front of Conrad and Nicole making out. Conrad looked at her surprised, "Are you okay?" Steven asked her only to be ignored. Jeremiah and Beau popped up next to them while they were arguing "Belly. You came! Great, we can all hang out, you guys." He laughed as Beau looked at him with a smile.

Steven shook his head. "I'm about to take her home." Beau nodded "That's good, especially with what you're wearing." Beau gestured to her short pink dress. "What?" Belly went to protest before Beau walked back over to get another capri sun. Soon the girls came up to him again, but he didn't have Jeremiah to hide in this time. "Hey pretty boy" A girl flirted with him, he looked down at his feet again. "H-hey" He responded, looking around for Jeremiah.

The girl stepped closer, making him step back slightly. "Where's Jere Jere?" She asked, stepping forward and pats his cheek and trails her finger down to his chest. "U-uhm." He stuttered uncomfortably, going to step back but was stopped by another girl. Looking around he saw himself surrounded by the girls. "Well, bo-bo? Did he leave you? Well I won't leave you." She whispered seductively, trailing a heart on his chest.

"I-um" He looked around in panic, before he finally saw Jeremiah coming over to him. "Excuse me ladies" He gently pushed the girls and wrapped an arm around Beau, who released a breath he didn't know he had been holding as the girls smirked at him. "We'll take our leave now. Goodbye." Jeremiah gave them a tight smile, his arm wrapped tightly around Beau as they quickly walked away from the girls.

When they were a bit farther away from the girls, they sat down on the sand near the ocean. "Are you okay Beau?" Beau nodded, keeping his eyes down and on the sand. Jeremiah scoffed, placing his hand under Beau's chin and lifted the boy's head slightly to look into his eyes. "Bullshit. How are you really?" Beau stared at him for a second before releasing a breath.

You're my safe haven || Jeremiah FisherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon