Chapter One

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<You're my safe haven<3 >

-Chapter One: Pristine Love

Every summer, since before Beau was even born, the Conklins have been going to Cousins beach with the Fishers. It has always been that way and Beau hopes it continues to stay that way. It has been his safe haven, just his mom, Susannah, the Fisher brothers, and Beau and his siblings. No dad's. Not that feeling of constant dread that he potentially has done something to disappoint his father.

Since Beau came out as gay to his family. John Conklin, his father, has started treating him worse, it's not so bad when they are around people but he still does it, and it still hurts Beau to think his father, someone who is supposed to love him unconditionally, doesn't. Lucky that isn't the case for Laurel, his mother, she hugged him and laughed, said she has known for a while and that she was proud of him for telling them.

Steven, his twin brother, didn't care, instead of talking about girls with Beau, he jokes and teases him about boys. Not in the bully way, but the 'I love you for you, so I am gonna tease you' kind of way. Sadly that wasn't the case for Belly, this just added another thing for her to make fun of Beau for, she has always been against LGBTQ+. When Jeremiah came out, she denied it and she still does, she doesn't do it to his face but when she is around Beau she either ignores him completely or shoots him looks of disgust.

Last year Laurel divorced John, using the 'I just fell out of love with him' but that was just not the case, the real reason was that she saw the way John treated Beau, and she was not happy about it. So she took matters into her own hands. Whenever Beau came crying to her she comforted him, he never told him what it was about, so he assumes that she didn't know.

Beau would do anything for his mother. When she divorced John, men tried to flirt with her many times, they usually stopped whenever they saw Steven and Beau's glare directed at them. If looks could kill, they would be farther than the earth's core. Then they weren't seen near Laurel ever.

Beau woke up from his alarm at 5:00 am, sitting up slowly while he rubbed his eyes to prevent himself from falling back asleep before someone softly knocked on his door. "Come in." He told the person, sleep evident in his voice as he yawned. Laurel soon came into her son's room with a smile, "Today's the day!" She said excitedly as she walked over to Beau. He smiled "yay! I can't wait!"

Laurel smiled before she seemed to remember why she came in here, "Oh right, I wanted to let you know that we leave in an hour. And heads up, Taylor is over she said she wanted to "help Belly pack" or whatever" Laurel told Beau. He groaned, Taylor flirts with him every chance she gets despite knowing his sexuality, making Beau uncomfortable, lucky he has his own bathroom so he wouldn't have to walk by Belly's room to take a shower.

"I know sweetie, that's why I am telling you and Steven, which reminds me I have to go wake him up." His mom gave him a hug and kiss on the top of his head. "Get ready and we can leave faster." Giving his mother a quick squeeze before letting go, he got up and walked over to his bathroom. "Alright mama, I love you" He smiled and closed his door, getting ready to take his shower. Laurel walked out of his room, closing the door, and went to wake up Beau's twin.

About 30 minutes later, Beau got out of his shower, his bleached hair dripping with water as he put his clothes on and brushed his teeth. Finally he dried his hair, and stepped out of his bathroom, this was about the same time his baby duck, Mr. Quakers, woke up hungry for his food."Morning Mr. Quakers, ready for breakfast?" Beau asked his companion, getting a quick in return.

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