Chapter Thirteen

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<You're my safe haven<3 >
-Chapter Thirteen: So last night happened...

The next morning Beau woke up before Jeremiah, today was what Beau liked to call Julys 4th Eve...yeah not the brightest name but he's too tired to think of something else. He got out of bed, slid some pants on and kissed Jeremiah on the forehead. He grabbed his phone and quietly walked out the door, closing it behind him. He scrolled on his phone, looking for inspiration on what to cook for breakfast. Finally he settled on French toast (he knows those are Jeremiah's favorites) some bacon and omelets.

" the recipe says it's enough for 3 people but there's 7 of us so I have to multiply the recipe by 3... but Steven and Jeremiah will want seconds...possibly more..oh what the hell I'll just multiply it by 4 then everyone can have more if they want it." Beau rambled as he got all the ingredients out of the cabinets and the fridge. After a long time of cooking, cleaning, and preparing everyone's plates, some people started coming down, seeing the counters filled with french toast, bacon, and omelets. Beau standing in the middle of the kitchen, everything seemed organized.

"I uh... seem to have made a little more than I anticipated..." He awkwardly scratched his cheek as Steven stared at the food hungrily, Susannah and Laurel burst out laughing, Beau joining them as Conrad walked downstairs. "What's going- whoa.." Conrad cut himself off as he looked between the huge amount of food, Beau, then the food again. "Holy shit Beau. Did you do this just now?" The boy nodded embarrassed. "Yeah...I made a little more than I thought though.."

Everyone walked into the kitchen, conversing happily as they thanked Beau for the food and grabbed theirs. Instead of sitting down to eat, Beau headed up stairs to get Jeremiah and feed Mr.Quakers, Belly had snuck in, glaring at the back of Beau's head while she stabbed her food. "Beau! Where are you going?" Laur called out, watching her son confused. Beau turned around and smiled "Just need to wake up Jere... and feed Mr.Quakers and-" He cut himself off realizing that Steven hadn't told him the name of the new duck yet. "Ms. Flipper." Steven announced proudly.

Everyone looked at him before bursting into a fit of giggles, "H-hey! I thought it was a good name!" He defended as Beau shook his head "Okay then, I'm going to wake up Re- Jere. Then feed Mr. Quakers and Ms. Flipper" He teased walking upstairs as he heard Steven groan and protest.

Beau walked into Stevens room, walking over to where the two ducklings were cuddling, he petted them both softly, not enough to wake them but enough to give them affection. He quietly filled their food and water bowls, he also cleaned the cage before walking out of the room. "That was so cute I swear to god" He gushed before walking into his room. Beau leaned against the door frame, watching as the sun hit Jeremiah's tanned face perfectly. Beau watched as his eyes fluttered in his dream.

He studied with him. Everything about him was perfect, his curls, his freckles, just- everything. He admired the very prominent hickeys on his neck. Especially the ones that spelled a 'B'. He shook his head and walked over to Jeremiah, crouching down he shook the sleeping boy, when he barely reacted Beau sighed, then he pecked all over the boy's face making Jeremiah's eyes flutter open sleepily, he smiled as he kissed Beau on the lips. "Morning My dearest." Beau whispered leaning back, face still above Jeremiah as the boy gazed up at him lovingly. "Hi." His face tinted red. Beau placed his hands over Jeremiah, his back getting sore from crouching over. "It's time for breakfast, love."

Jeremiah's face lit up as he started to sit up, Beau sitting up with him. Jeremiah quickly tried to get up, his ass and back sore from last night, he limped almost falling into the bed again. "Ow!" Beau quickly helped him by placing an arm around Jeremiah's waist. Jeremiah playfully glared at him as Beau looked around worried, avoiding his eyes "You did this!" Beau let out a stiff chuckle, relaxing when Jeremiah kissed his cheek "It's not like I didn't enjoy it though." Beau smirked, "Watch, we're gonna get a noise complaint from the neighbors." Jeremiah blushed crimson. As he tries to walk away, the limp slows him down as Beau smiles proudly from behind him.

"Beau!" Said shook his head, quickly following after the boy, only now noting that he was only in Beau's boxers... and Beau's shirt. Fuck Conrad, Belly, and Steven don't know yet. Beau nervously made his way over to the limping boy, helping him down the stairs. Once they came down Conrad and Steven looked up at them, their eyes widened as they saw Jeremiah limping, in Beau's boxer's, hickeys all over his neck, a few suspiciously looking like it spelled a 'B'. Both over their jaws dropped while Beau helped Jeremiah get his food.

Steven looked between his best friend and his brother... he knew they liked each other but... oh my god did they have sex!? And why does only Jeremiah look wrecked. Unless Beau was the dom. Stevens' face got even more shocked as the piece of French toast he bit into fell back on his place before he could chew. It seemed as if Conrad had the same thoughts as he dropped his fork on his plate, looking hurriedly between Beau and Jeremiah. Everyone looked over but Steven looked over at Conrad, but both of them were still looking at the secret couple in shock. Beau gulped nervously as he handed Jeremiah his food. "Thanks Bee." The younger smiled gratefully, unaware of the stares as he started eating.

Susannah looked over to where Conrad was staring jaw dropped at oy to see her son eating his food, looking completely wrecked, hickeys everywhere, a 'B' on his neck, his hair was messy as he just woke up, and he was wearing Beau's boxers. She smiled widely, mostly in shock. She never thought they would actually have sex last night, she hurriedly nudged Laurel and nodded her head towards them. Beau was fidgeting nervously, Susannah then realized that Beau only had one or two visible hickeys on him, whoa, she always thought he would be the submissive type. Laurel looked at the boys and her jaw dropped. She noticed everything. In disbelief she let out a quiet dry laugh, "Oh... my god... they actually did it... at least they did it when we weren't home." She whispered to Susannah who playfully slapped her best friend's shoulder.

Steven and Conrad kept staring at the two boys, who were conversing happily, in utter shock. Laurel and Susannah giggling, gossiping, and studying them. It seems the only one who hadn't caught on to any of this was Belly, she was staring at Jeremiah in shock, obviously she thought he had a girl over last night, she didn't notice the 'B'. She glared in jealousy as they all hesitantly continued to eat.

After breakfast Steven and Conrad went up to Jeremiah while Beau was putting the rest of breakfast away. "Hey umm... Bro have you looked in the mirror..?" Jeremiah looked at him in confusion as Conrad let out a laugh, handing him his selfie camera. Jeremiah took it confused before he saw himself in the camera, hickeys all over his neck, and was that.. he couldn't see it properly. "What is that..?" He mumbled trying to get a good look at the letter looking hickeys. Steven cackled while taking the phone and took a picture of the 'B'. Jere took the phone back quickly, as his eyes widened as he started at the 'B' on his neck.

"Oh hey guys! What- oh shit." Beau cut himself off with a stammer, blush crimson as Jeremiah looked at him with wide eyes. "Really? A 'B'? In hickeys?" Beau looked away scratching his neck. Looking between Steven and Conrad, who were snickering at them. " didn't say that last night..?" Beau tried to save himself as Jeremiah's eyes widened, Steven and Conrad both stopped laughing, looking at Beau in shock. "I- still!"

Beau shrugged "People gotta know your mine, Plus I guess they already figured it out." The brothers eyes widened as they looked at each other quickly before looking back at Beau. "W-wait so, are you two l-like to-together?" Steven rushed out, as the boys nodded shyly. "Oh my god. Bro I didn't know you were the sub type!" Conrad smacked his brother's shoulder, Jeremiah grumbled "Well I would think it's pretty obvious this time with the limp I have." Beau looked away, pretending to whistle. " got laid before me....and by my brother." Steven shuddered as they all laughed together.

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