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Interrupting my thoughts, Sage comes downstairs and walks into the room I'm in. Damn, she really was quick.

Sage looks effortlessly good as always wearing some black baggy jeans, a white hoodie, and layering a camo jacket over top since it's pretty cold in New York. To finish the look, she pairs it with some white Nikes. Her New York Yankees baseball cap looks perfect with her short blonde hair.

She always manages to style an outfit perfectly. She did that in what, 3 minutes?

Sage's eyes, a vibrant blue, lock onto mine the moment she enters, and a warm smile graces her lips.

"Sorry if that took a minute," Sage's voice, smooth and melodic, fills the room as she makes her way to the fridge.

"It's fine, there's no rush," I reply, my words calm as I rise from the couch, Bentley trailing behind me curiously.

Sage opens the fridge with a sense of urgency. "Actually, there is a rush because I'm pretty hungry, and I don't want to scare you away when I get hangry," she chuckles lightly, retrieving a Red Bull from the cold interior. "Want one?" she offers, extending the can towards me.

I nod eagerly, and Sage passes me one of the cans, the cool metal feeling refreshing against my palm.

As I hold the can in my hands, I inspect it briefly, noticing the vibrant peach-colored label. "Peach?" I inquire, my tone tinged with skepticism as I try not to sound too repulsed.

"Um... duh, it's the best flavor," Sage responds in a matter-of-fact tone, her confidence unwavering. "Do you not like it?"

I purse my lips, "Not the biggest fan," I confess, a hint of reluctance coloring my words.

Sage nods understandingly and takes the Red Bull back. "All good. I have original, tropical, watermelon, coconut berry, whatever you want," she offers, gesturing towards the fridge with a sweep of her hand.

I peek over and my eyes widen at the sight of the whole top shelf filled obsessively with energy drinks. "Holy shit, did you buy the whole grocery store?" I exclaim, unable to contain my laughter, as I select a watermelon one.

"I told you I drink like 3 of these a day," Sage shrugs casually, her figure relaxed as she leans against the cool marble island. The sound of her opening the can echoes in the kitchen, a crisp pop.

I furrow my brow, trying to recall when Sage mentioned her energy drink habit. Then, like a lightbulb switching on, it hits me. It was when we first saw each other, and I accidentally knocked into her, causing her Red Bull to fall to the ground.

"It was my third one today anyways. Probably not good for me, but I'm addicted,"

As the realization sinks in, I can't help but feel a rush of disbelief. The mysterious girl I bumped into on the street turned out to be my sister's best friend, the same person I've secretly been falling for all this time. And now, here we are, standing across from each other in her house.

I laugh through my nose, finding Sage's obsessive addiction to caffeine amusing. "Have you ever tried coffee?" I tease, unable to contain my amusement.

Sage fake gags, "Don't say that horrible word around me."

"I fucking hate coffee too! Everyone makes fun of me for it."

Sage grins, "Finally, someone who understands the struggle! Coffee is just... bleh. But these babies," she holds up her can of Red Bull, "they're like my lifeline."

I nod in agreement, taking a sip of my watermelon-flavored drink. "Totally get it. I can't live without a matcha."

Bentley, sensing the energy of the conversation, lets out a playful bark and nudges Sage's leg with his nose, as if asking for attention.

Irresistible Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora