Chapter 22: Temporary Happiness

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A/n Note: Hello, guys! I am sorry for disappearing...I saw all of your messages to continue to this story so I will. The ending would be kinda rush because I had my own story planned after the drama finishes and
Y/n give them their ending...I had a whole Season 2 planned on my own but im not gonna do it anymore so I'm just gonna finish this TT

After our narrow escape from the killer survivors in the prison, tension hung heavy in the air like a thick fog. We found ourselves divided over what to do next. Heerak, his frustration evident, argued to return to Seoul despite the risks. He believed we needed to face whatever awaited us in there, rather than stay holed up in our shelter.

Amidst the heated discussion about returning to Seoul, my mind swirled with conflicting emotions. I was scared the dangers that lurked ahead, especially with Yeongsu's looming threat.

"Guys! we can't just do that! what if there are spheres waiting for us in Seoul?" I voiced my concern, my gaze shifting between Heerak and the others.

"We can't stay holed up here forever...I had enough of this bullshit!" he argued, his voice firm with determination.

As the discussion unfolded, it became apparent that despite the risks, everyone agreed on the necessity of returning to Seoul. I argued until the end but no one listened to me.

Kim Chiyeol,  who knew everything—he didn't speak, there was an unspoken understanding between us. His unwavering support was a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty that surrounded us.

With a collective nod, they all made their decision. Despite the dangers that lay ahead, we would return to Seoul. For better or for worse....

As we started packing up to head to Seoul, I couldn't help but feel torn. About everything...My fear of not being able to save them.....myself....this is the last episode....the time is already started running out....the main scene which destroyed everything is not so far....

The fear of the failure....and also a weird feeling in my heart which I shouldn't feel....for a certain person tugged at my heartstrings, yet I knew he existed solely within the confines of this fictional world. And amidst the chaos of the moment, I couldn't forget the main task that lay ahead: to save them all before it was too late.

We started our journey walking toward on dead road in the goal to Seoul. Two days of relentless walking had taken its toll, leaving us panting and weary, with no end in sight.

Joonhee: "Shit, we have been walking for two days. And we still have 100km to go??" Her frustration boiled over as she kicked a pebble along the road.

Hana: "I can't feel my feets...I can't walk anymore" She groaned, leaning heavily on Nara for support as she struggled to keep moving.

Feeling dizzy and fatigued myself, I couldn't help but share in their exhaustion. My head spun as I surveyed our surroundings, the sight of lifeless bodies strewn across the road serving as a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked around every corner.

Dukjeong: "and we were running out of foods too.." it makes it even worser..

As I was feeling weak by exhaustion. Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around me, steadying me. It took me a moment to realize it was Ilha, his usual tough demeanor softened by concern. Our eyes met, and I felt a strange warmth in my chest. Ilha's touch was surprisingly gentle as he asked, "Are you okay?", I nodded weakly, managing to reply, "Yeah... I think so," my breaths coming in short gasps.

Yeongsu's voice pierced through the moment with urgency. "Guys! We have to go back... Let's go back to our mission! Maybe the CSAT isn't canceled," he pleaded, his tone desperate.

Bora's patience wore thin as she snapped back at him, "Yeongsu, enough! Are you still hung up on those extra points?" With an exasperated roll of her eyes, she turned away and continued moving forward.

"Guys I Need to go to college!!! I cant die like this...the CSAT-" Ignoring Yeongsu's protests, we pressed on, each step bringing us closer to our destination. Jangsoo intervened, dragging Yeongsu along with us, his voice drowned out by the determination of the group.

*Time skip at we took a break in an amusement park*

As night fell, we found temporary refuge in an amusement park, the faint glow of the moon casting eerie shadows across the deserted rides. With growling stomachs, we eagerly devoured the food we had managed to find feeding our hunger.

Dukjeong: "Gosh...this would have been tastier if it was warm." He sighed and made a small pout.

"This is good enough..just eat it..." Chiyeol sighed back.

Taeman nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we're lucky to have what we have," he said, chewing the food.

Yujeong gave a reassuring smile. "And we're all together. That counts for something," she added, trying to spread a sense of unity among us.

As we sat in the dimly lit amusement park, Yeongjin and Taeman volunteered to go search for the generator to light up the place again.

"We'll find the generator and get everything running," Yeongjin declared with determination.

"Once the lights are back on, this place won't feel so creepy."Taeman nodded, his usual joking manner replaced by seriousness before they disappeared into the shadows.

When the lights came back on, the amusement park looked magical. Bright colors sparkled everywhere, and everyone's faces lit up with joy and wonder. It was like we'd forgotten how pretty things could be, after all the tough times we'd been through.

Will this happiness last....?


Is this the moment before the disaster...?

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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