Chapter 17

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Trigger warning: Blood.


"I'm fine!" I stated through the bathroom door. I had nearly managed to get the bleeding completely under control. The flow had settled, and the blood only came out in small trails that were easy to clean off.

The whole bathroom looked like a murder-scene. I wasn't sure if I was the victim or the murderer in the situation. My hands were stained red up to my elbows and my shirt would never be the same anymore.

"If you just let me in! Please? Lily let me help you."

Sebastian had freaked out when I told him about it. He wanted to go bother Robin again and get me to Harvey's, but he already had his hands full and I had worried Robin enough for the day. The blood wasn't that bad anymore, anyway.

I just had to get myself some space since Seb refused to leave me alone. And if that meant I had to lock myself in a tiny bathroom then so be it. I couldn't get anything done with him hovering over me like that.

I would just take a quick shower after the wound settled and then change to a clean set of clothes. It would be like nothing had ever happened. Harvey would barely notice the difference at the next checkup. And I'd never tell him.

Seb had gone quiet on the other side and for a moment I wondered if he had actually left me alone. I tried to listen if the way was clear, but-

"I'll never forgive you if you die on me like this." His voice quivered just a bit as he reached the end of the sentence. It was like another little drill had come to pierce me through my heart for what I had done. Except this pain wasn't physical.

"I won't die. It's all under control." I reassured him.

He refused to settle. He knocked on the door again and tried the handle. With a heavy sigh he spoke. "You said you were dying! Lily, please let me in."

"It's fine!"

I knew he'd just panic more from the view. Before I could unlock the door, I would have to figure out how to clean the mess a bit. There weren't any cleaning supplies stored in such a tiny space but there were towels and I had a lot of water.

I started by trying to shower my hands clean in the sink.

"Would you open the door if I promised not to help? I'll do nothing, I promise. Just open the door. I'll close my eyes! Just, don't die on me."

The red didn't wash off. Hovering over the red stained sink with most of my weight on my elbows I met the eyes in the mirror. They were mine, sure, but they were the only thing I could recognize from the reflection.

The person was a shell of what I could remember there had been before. Tangled hair, dust covered skin, blood. Blood absolutely everywhere. It crawled up her cheeks and wet the hair. It dripped down the hem of the shirt and created a puddle on the floor.



The lock opened with a quiet click and the door flung open. For a moment he just stood there wide-eyed unable to form even a thought. I sat down and held the bleeding wound quietly praying the pain would go away.

I wasn't sure much of what happened after that. I had some hazy memories of Sebastian kneeling before me and something gently wiping my cheek. I would've felt shame of the situation if there weren't so many active drills piercing me in half in between my ribs.

Someone talked to me, or they talked to someone over me. I wasn't sure when it happened but suddenly, I wasn't there anymore. Suddenly I wasn't really anywhere, anymore.

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