Chapter 7

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Next time I saw Sebastian was on that very Thursday. I had come back the following day after the mines, but I didn't see him there. The other bag had gone. He had split both of our findings in two, both the loot and the minerals.

I did notice he had given me some extra bat wings for less frozen tears.

Abigail led me up the hill and not even five minutes later did the building come to view. I had seen it before. Walked past it numerous times, but never really connecting it to anything but a useless wreckage that should be preferably avoided.

The overgrown mess of a building looked odd around its surroundings. It didn't really seem to belong there next to so finely mown grass and well-kept playground. It seemed to only stand by a miracle and even from afar you could smell an odd odor.

Abigail had found a glassless window by the east side garden that cornered the building. Or at least it had once been a garden. Not much of it was left anymore once the plots had been overtaken by largely abusive vines and weeds.

There we found Sebastian already waiting for us. He poked his head out the window and spoke. "Sam's already gone in. I heard some banging on the roof."

"Sam's where-?"

"Oh, and he went without me? I told him to wait!" Abigail whipped his head around and jumped through the window in a flash. Mumbling out insults as she went, soon she too had gone.

"The roof?" I asked Sebastian, who had a slightly amused grin on his face.

"They brought a gaming setup, but the thing needs power." He explained.

I carefully climbed through the window trying desperately not to get any more scratches or marks. The vines from the garden had spread even to the inside as they climbed up the walls and draped down from the ceiling.

There were parts on the floor where the panels were completely missing. They created rather deep holes in the ground and exposed all sorts of dust and soil. I hopped around and balanced my way to the other side of the empty room.

The same continued through the hall all the way to what Sebastian had called 'main hall'. Though I would have maybe called it the main entrance, since the front door apparently led to it.

Across the hall was heard a loud "Ha!" and an engine started running in another room. Sebastian gave me a knowing smirk and made his way to the hallway on the other side of the entrance.

"Got it?" Someone shouted.

"Got it!" Another one screamed back. Sebastian peeked into what seemed to be an old pantry and waved at me to come over.

"Oh, hey guys!" It was Sam. He was sitting on the floor with an ancient TV and a cable that went out to another room and then through a window and up.

A faint crash could be heard from the main hall and a-

"Yay!" Sam cheered. The TV had picked a signal and connected itself. Sam began to frantically get the gaming setup up and working.

"Is she, um, alright?" I asked Sebastian, but he seemed too bored of the whole thing and didn't react. There was some struggling and cracking of wood heard but eventually a purple blob of hair appeared at the end of the hallway.

"Got it?" She shouted.

"Got it!" Sam screamed back.

"Is this really the best place to be? I mean, food closet, really?" I questioned as we all sat down around the crackling machine.

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