Chapter 12

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"Heyooo, hot delivery boy coming ahead!" Sam declared all the way from the farm's entrance.

"Uuh, I better be prepared." I chuckled. Calmly sipping my morning tea from the porch, I had been admiring the view and planning all the new stuff I would build there.

I could easily get used to this more relaxed life. I had never stayed so still. The summer had settled in the valley, and I welcomed the warmth in with open arms. Now that I couldn't do any of the important stuff, I could concentrate on everything boring and useless.

Like catching Willy that stupid carp he wanted. I glared at it as it lay dead in the bucket by the steps.

"Your food, miss!" Sam whooped with a proud smile on his face. He had changed his usual clothes to a red T-shirt and shorts. He too seemed to be enjoying the upcoming heatwave.

As I was still supposed to be on bed rest, I was too scared to show my face in town in case I would run to the doctor, so I asked Sam to do me a little favor. Pierre did do deliveries, Abby had complained loudly and in detail about them, since she's usually the one who actually has to do them.

And since Abby was grounded and I wasn't particularly in Pierre's good books at the moment I had to figure something else out.

"Thanks!" I hurried the bags inside so they wouldn't go bad so quickly. After this Sam stayed over for a little bit. I offered him tea, and to his mistake he accepted.

"Oh, thanks!" Sam took the hot mug and sipped without hesitation. I wasn't sure if the sore expression on his face was from the taste or the burning of his tongue. He set the mug down. "Hey, remember when I told you about the band I was starting?"

"...yeah?" To be completely honest I hadn't fully listened to him when that had happened and couldn't remember much of it. Still, I couldn't remember why... He didn't thankfully seem to notice my hesitation.

"I don't think I remembered to tell you yet that the band's starting to finally come together!" Sam's excitement was so contagious I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear for him.

"Sam that's amazing!"

"Yeah! It turns out Abigail's a pretty good drummer. And Sebastian seemed to really want her in the band..."

Oh, that was why. Could I not be happy that Sam found progress in his dream he'd talked about so much? But something weighed me down that I couldn't quite recognize.

"Oh, great." I tried to smile reassuringly. "Any gigs coming ahead yet?"

"Not yet, but hopefully at some point!" He stretched his arms back and grinned. "You'll be the first to know when it happens. My first fan, aw man!"

"How's he by the way? Sebastian, I mean. Is he coming to the Saloon this Friday again?"

"Oh? No." Sam said. Looking a little disappointed he shook his head and continued. "His mom's got him grounded. Can you believe it? We're not kids anymore and she won't even let him leave his room. It's ridiculous!"

"Oh." Sebastian had said himself that his mom had been furious, and for a good reason, too. But I couldn't have even imagined it to be that bad.

"Abby's not coming, either. Apparently, Pierre's even locked her windows up so she can't even run."

I could feel my ears turn redder by the minute.

"So, no Friday pool?"

"Probably not. I mean, we could always go but it'd just be the two of us." Sam said, scratching the back of his head. "But it's not that bad. Luau's next week. That's something to wait for. It'll get even hotter than this by that time."

Lily of the Valley - Stardew Valley - SebastianUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum