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Why did you come, with your en-kindled eyes

And mountain-look, across my lower way.

And take the vague dishonor from my day

By luring me from paltry things, to rise

And stand beside you, waiting wistfully

The looming of a larger destiny?

Why did you with strong fingers filing aside

The gates of possibility, and say

With vital voice the words I dream to-day?

Before, I was not much unsatisfied:

But since a god has touched me and departed,

I run through every temple, broken-hearted.



As Beyonce laid in the bed looking at the ceiling....images of the previous night was replayed in her head.

Sadly, Y/N had to leave to help with a situation at the office. She was going to take off but it was important. Which saddened the honey blond woman.


"Do you really have to leave. No." Beyonce whined while hugging Y/N from behind.

Y/N turned her head to kiss Beyonce on her forehead. 

"You know I don't want to mama. But I have to handle a few clients today." 

Beyonce looked at Y/N with pouted eyes.

"Stop looking like that." Y/N said kissing Beyonce forehead then pecked her lips a few times.

"I just wanted to spend the day with you. My kids don't come back until Monday. Shawn is somewhere until next week. I don't want to be alone. Pleeeease baby." She said starting kiss Y/N neck.

Y/N started giggling lowly.

"You really don't want me to leave, huh?" 

"No Daddy."

After Beyonce said that Y/N was getting hot all over again. She already knew when she said that word it would get to Y/N.

Y/N debated on if she wanted to while Beyonce remained kissing her neck, sucking on it every few times. Y/N moaned when Beyonce got to her spot which made Beyonce pick up speed.

"Fuck." Y/N gritted lowly.

Beyonce went to her ear sucking on it.

I Will Never Leave YouTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang