Chapter 8 Physically Bound but Emotionally Un-Housed

Start from the beginning

No one can hear her.

No one cares.

The hairy creature collects branches for their shelter, nearby. The trees in this section have the best branches for tools. The creature rotates yearly how each of the sections of forest will be used to counter the tree cutting of Pale Midnight fur.

Trying to maintain the integrity of the forest.

The creature listens to the sounds the dark skinned woman is making. 

Humans love their own sounds.

How lonely they were, when the sounds of the surroundings were not enough, they could not help but make noise to remind themselves of their own existence.

Even when alone.

She is extremely unhappy, her sadness is puzzling, but enticing.

The creature understands that this woman is the mate of the second oldest male of the group. 

He looks through her, he does not seem to regard her as much, resent her even, the creature could feel the force of the anger. 

No, the creature pauses.

It is not resentment that this man felt for her, not all of time, there was often contempt.

There was worry, a strange type of affection and a questionable need to dominate her.

Humble her.

There she was humbled in a field.

Feeling that she may leave, how he would stop her. How if she left he would not care, but cause her to suffer...then replace her.

The creature wondered why he would hold on to her when he truly found her replaceable?

She was suffering, when they arrived,  he did not comfort her then he left her alone with the younger men, who had no mates.

He was a defective mate.

And his mate would continue to suffer when they left.

The creature then remembers the men who had been riding in their metal beasts three days past.

Chaos for chaos sake!

Riding past the line of the land that signifies to other humans that the territory is the home of another human.

Those men wanted to inflict harm to this pack of humans.

From what the creature could tell, their motives were not utilitarian, as they wanted not for food, water, nor resources.

 Disinterested in possessing the metal beasts, no thought of the woman either, for reasons the creature did not yet understand. The woman had been missed somehow and therefore, not included in their nefarious agenda for tonight.

The creature understood the universe, the rules, its guidelines.  If this hairy creature was to intervene it would have to be for a good reason.

Doctor Fearsome, sits cross-legged on his mat.

"Every decision, every event. The desired results whether by skill or luck, the disappointments...all a set of sequences. Whether they are pros or cons ...depends on whether the outcome aligns with what we I right?"

Fort and Reston agree, gently nodding, closing their eyes.

Peppering the doctor's pauses with,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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