Rest Day

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Liv groaned as she slowly blinked her eyes open, the morning sunlight filtering through the curtains. She stretched lazily, relishing the warmth of the bed. It was rare for her to have a chance to sleep in, especially with the twins around.

As she rolled over, she noticed that Eva wasn't there, she could hear the twins in their room, and Eva's voice telling them something in dutch. After a couple of seconds the bedroom door opened, and Eva walked in.

"Good morning," Eva said with a smile as she noticed Liv was awake. She made her way over to the bed, saying "I thought I'd let you sleep in a bit. The girls were being so adorable, so we've just been playing in their room."

Liv smiled back, feeling grateful for the sleep in. "Thanks, love. They're in good hands with you."

Eva leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to Liv's lips. "Always," she murmured, her eyes shining with affection.

After a leisurely breakfast and some playtime with the twins, Eva suddenly turned to Olivia with a shy smile.

"You know, Liv, I was thinking," she began, "Since we have the whole day to ourselves, how about I take you on a date?"

A smile spread across Liv's face. "A date?" she repeated, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest.

"Yeah," Eva nodded. "I've already arranged for Beth and Viv to take the twins for the night. We can drop them off later and then spend the evening together, just the two of us."

"I'd love that," Liv said, her voice filled with excitement. "I'm glad you're a planner, because I most definitely am not!" She laughed.

Later that evening, after getting ready and packing the twins an overnight bag, they all walked over to Beth and Viv's. Beth opened the door right away, Viv coming down the hall behind her laughing.

"She's been sitting at the window with Myle waiting for you guys for almost 30 minutes." Viv laughed, picking up Myle who was trying to get outside and say hi.

"I'm just excited for Lily and Emily's first sleepover with Auntie Beth!" Beth said excitedly, taking Emily out of Olivia's arms.

"I'm here too!" Viv chuckled, pretending to be offended, before grabbing Lily from Eva.

"Alright you two!" Liv laughed, "They haven't had dinner yet, but they did have a snack about an hour ago. So they should be hungry for dinner at about 6. Here is the nappy bag, there are a bunch of nappies, and a couple changes of clothes for both of them. There are also 4 bottles in there for before bed and in the morning."

"Breath love, I'm sure everything will be fine." Eva said reassuringly, wrapping her arm around Liv's waist. "Text us if you need anything, we'll come get them in the morning!"

Viv nodded, "We'll be fine, Beth has been getting ready for them all day. This house is thoroughly baby-proofed and their cots are set up." She said, setting Myle down since she was licking Lily's face. "Hey, the babies don't need a bath from you tonight!"

"Alright, let mummy give you guys kisses and we'll be on our way." Liv sighed, this was going to be the first night that Liv was away from the girls since they were born. She leaned over, giving both the twins a kiss on the head, then grabbed Eva's hand. "See you guys tomorrow!"

"Don't get up to too much trouble without us!" Beth called after them, before closing the door.

"They'll be fine, and we will come straight back if anything happens." Eva said, wrapping her in a hug at the end of the driveway. "Now let's go get some food."

Liv and Eva walked to a cozy restaurant nearby. They laughed and talked over a delicious meal, enjoying each other's company without any distractions. They went and got some crêpes to share before walking home hand in hand, still chatting happily.

Once they arrived home, they kicked off their shoes and went to the living room. They quickly settled onto the couch, Liv snuggled in close to Eva, her head resting against her chest. "Do you want to watch a movie?" she asked softly, looking up at Eva with a hopeful smile.

Eva's eyes sparkled with excitement as she nodded. "Yeah, that sounds perfect," she replied, reaching for the remote and turning on the TV. "The Notebook or Harry Potter?" She asked.

"Whichever, I'm happy with either." Liv replied, pulling a blanket over them.

After turning on the first Harry Potter movie, Eva set down the remote and pulled Liv closer, wrapping her arms around her and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. Liv sighed contentedly, feeling safe and happy as can be as she snuggled into Eva's embrace.

They sat like that for most of the movie, until Eva started tracing little circles on Liv's arms, moving her way towards her stomach. Liv let her continue for a couple of minutes, until, unable to resist the pull any longer, Liv leaned in, capturing Eva's lips in a passionate kiss. Liv turned over, moving to sit on top of Eva. Eva then grabbed her hips, pulling her closer as their kisses grew deeper and more intense with each passing moment.

Eventually, they pulled away, breathless and flushed with desire. Their eyes met, filled with a mixture of love and longing.

"I want you, Liv," Eva whispered, her voice husky with desire.

"Me too, E," Liv responded, tugging at Eva's shirt. "Can I take this off?"

"Yeah." She said, sitting up and pulling her shirt off before pulling Liv's off too.

Eva's kisses began moving down her neck, finding a tender point on her neck, causing her to moan.

Eva pulled away, "Come on" she whispered, picking Liv up, and carrying her to their bedroom.

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