Celebrating Victory

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After everyone had showered and gotten on the bus, Beth invited everyone out for drinks. "There are already a couple of us going, but all of you are invited out for drinks after we get back to St. Albans. We're just going to the place close by."

Cheers echoed through the bus, everyone making arrangements, and agreeing to go.

Once they arrived back at the Arsenal training grounds, the group made their way to a nearby bar, finding a corner to claim for themselves. Quickly, everyone had drinks and were talking among themselves. Liv and Eva found themselves gravitating towards each other, their hands brushing against one another as they settled into their seats.

"Cheers to a job well done!" Steph exclaimed, raising her glass in a toast. "And to our two newest gooners!"

The clink of glasses filled the air as the team cheered. Liv and Eva sat together, each sipping on their drink, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they exchanged stories and jokes.

"You really were on fire out there today, Liv," Eva complimented, her eyes shining with admiration. "It's no wonder you are constantly getting offers from other clubs."

Liv grinned, a warm feeling spreading through her chest at Eva's praise. "Thanks, Eva. You weren't too shabby yourself. Though, I'm not planning on taking any of those offers up anytime soon. This is where we belong"

Liv and Eva kept talking, and after a little while Beth and Katie strolled over, sliding into the seats across from them, their smiles wide.

"Hey, hey! Celebrating the big win?" Beth chimed in, her enthusiasm infectious.

Liv nodded, her eyes sparkling. "Yeah, it was an epic game."

Katie nodded in agreement. "Totally! You two were on fire out there."

The conversation flowed as they reminisced about the match and laughed about some of the more hilarious moments on the field. Liv found herself grinning at Katie's witty remarks and nodding along as Beth recounted her favourite goals.

As the conversation eased into a comfortable lull, Katie got a mischievous look in her eyes, her voice lowering slightly. "So, Liv, couldn't help but notice something during the game."

Liv's eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Oh? What's that?"

Katie shot a glance at Eva before turning back to Liv, a playful twinkle in her eye. "Well, let's just say, there seemed to be some serious chemistry between you two."

Liv's cheeks flushed pink as she glanced at Eva, who was watching her with a soft smile, obviously hearing everything that was being said. "Um, yeah, I suppose we do make a pretty good team."

Beth nudged Liv gently under the table, her grin widening. "More than just a team, I'd say. You two seem to click."

Liv's heart fluttered at Beth's words. "Yeah, Eva's been amazing to play alongside."

Eva reached out and squeezed Liv's hand under the table, her touch sending a thrill down Liv's spine. "Likewise, Liv. It's been awesome sharing the pitch with you."

Eva quickly intertwined their fingers, gently rubbing the back of Liv's hand with her thumb. Liv squeezed her hand gently.

"Yeah, it's been pretty great," Liv agreed, her eyes fixed on Eva's. "Hey, speaking of sharing... Have you found a place to stay yet?"

Eva shook her head, a hint of uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "Not yet. I've been looking, but nothing's really caught my eye."

Katie perked up at the mention, her eyes bright with excitement. "Hey, why don't you two think about living together?"

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