New Beginnings

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As the soft rays of dawn filtered through the curtains of her bedroom, Olivia Mead begins to stir. With a yawn, she stretched her arms and blinked away the remnants of sleep, greeted by the sight of her nine-month-old twins, Lily and Emily, babbling happily in their pack-and-plays. With a big smile, she scooped up her girls and showered them with good-morning kisses.

"Good morning, my little loves," Olivia murmured. Even in their new environment, she began the familiar routine of changing diapers, dressing them in matching outfits, and preparing their bottles.

After tending to Lily and Emily, Olivia hurried downstairs with them in her arms. She sat them down in the living room with some toys, then went into the kitchen, where her sister Beth and Beth's girlfriend Viv were already bustling about, preparing breakfast. Beth flashed a warm smile at Olivia as she entered, a steaming cup of coffee already waiting for her on the counter.

"Morning, Liv! Ready for your first day at Arsenal?" Beth asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Olivia nodded eagerly, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Joining Arsenal Women's team was a dream come true, and she couldn't wait to step onto the field wearing their iconic red and white jersey.

"Yeah, I can't believe it's finally happening, as much as I'm going to miss Man City, I have a feeling this is what I need to do." Olivia replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "Also, thanks for letting us crash at your place until I find my own."

Beth waved off her gratitude with a grin. "No problem at all. It's great having you and the girls here. How are they this morning? Not too much trouble last night, I hope!"

"Not at all." Olivia chuckles. "They actually slept pretty well considering we're all in there together. I just hope that they aren't too cranky today"

With a small smile, Viv chuckles "They seem to be adjusting pretty well, considering they have decided to chew on the rug!"

"Girls!" Olivia chuckles, rushing over to move them. "Sorry about that!" She sits down at the table as Beth sets down some toast and coffee. "Thanks Beth."

"No problem, I'll watch the girls for a minute. It's a big day for you, you need your fuel!"

With breakfast devoured and the twins securely strapped into their car seats, Olivia squeezed into the backseat of Beth's car, sandwiched between Lily and Emily as they drive to the training ground. Viv rode shotgun, chatting animatedly about the upcoming season and teasing Olivia about her nerves.

Arriving at the training ground, they get out of the car.

"Do you need a hand with the girls?" Beth asks.

Olivia chuckles, "I think I should be good, you guys head in, I need to go meet with Jonas anyway."

"Shout us if you need anything, alright." Viv says.

"Will do."

Olivia just sits in the car, looking at her girl's sweet faces, and considering this new, big jump she's making. With a quick glance at her watch, Olivia hurriedly scoops up Lily and Emily from their car seats. "Alright, girls, time to see Mommy in action," she chirped, planting kisses on their chubby cheeks as they giggled in response.

As Olivia walks in, with her girls in her arms, she hears some giggles, as someone shouts "I'm only 5 years older!" In a clear Irish accent. Must be Katie McCabe, she thinks. She turns left, heading towards the offices, and spots Jonas Eidevall, the team's manager.

"Welcome to Arsenal, Olivia," Jonas greeted warmly, shaking her hand firmly. "We're thrilled to have you on board."

"Thanks for having me!" She replies

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