Away Game - Pt 1

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"Coommmee oooonnnn" Katie yelled towards the rest of the team, seemingly the only one with energy this time of day. They had to leave early to get to Manchester by noon. They were playing City the next day.

"Katie, for goodness sake calm down!" Leah complained, "It's only 8, and I've not had any coffee."

Everyone chuckled as they made their way towards the buses, loading in their bags, and finding seats. Liv sat down at one of the tables, and Eva promptly sat down beside her, both of them carrying one of the twins.

"You two mind if we sit here?" Viv asked, motioning to herself and Lotte.

"Of course not." Liv answered, motioning to the two seats across from them.

"Just please don't be too loud, we're hoping to get the girls asleep, so that bedtime tonight isn't a total disaster." Eva laughed, "But I don't think that will be a problem with you two."

"We're not really known for being loud on the bus, I don't think." Lotte chuckled, sliding into the window seat. Viv sat down across from them too.

"How are you feeling about the game tomorrow Liv?" Viv asked quietly. "I know it must be weird going back, but playing for the other team. How long has it been since you were in Manchester?"

"I think it's been about 2 months. I'm equal parts excited and nervous. I haven't talked very much with any of the girls since I left, since I've been so busy. Though I suppose that's not a very good excuse." Liv said, sadness clear in her tone, "I think the hardest part will just be walking out there, but the minute the first whistle goes, I will be fine."

"Yeah, I get that." Lotte responded. "How old were the girls when you left? I feel like they've grown so much already!"

"They were eight and a half months old, so they're nearly 11 months now. Their birthday will be while we're away for the Olympic qualifications." Liv said adoringly, looking down at Lily, fast asleep in her arms. "I can't believe they will be a year old soon. They're already crawling and almost walking. It's only a matter of time before they start kicking a ball around too."

Eva moved her free hand over onto Olivia's thigh, giving her a little squeeze before adding to the conversation herself. "They're also babbling so much now, and they both almost have Mama down." She said, stroking Emily's head. "It's going to get pretty chaotic in our house once we have two walking babies!"

After talking for a little while longer, Lotte and Viv both started reading their books, and Liv pulled out her phone to quickly message Mary, one of her best friends from City.


To Mary - hey Mary, I wanted to see if you wanted to meet up later on today? we should get to the hotel around noon. Miss you loads xx

From Mary - ofc liv! should i come get you and the twins around 2? we could go to the coffee shop you love.


Liv turned to Eva, tapping her to grab her attention. "Hey E, Mary and I are going out to catch up once we get to the hotel. I know you wanted to bring the girls to the aquarium right?" She asked quietly, noticing Lotte and Viv listening to music through their headphones.

"Yeah, is that alright? I know that Viv said that she might come along too." Eva responded cautiously.

"Yeah, Mary just invited me out to that coffee shop nearby and said I could bring the twins too." Liv said quietly, so as not to wake the girls.

"It's totally up to you." Eva said kindly, "They're your kids, but I'm here for whatever you need."

"I think that you should bring them to the aquarium. They'll have way more fun and then Mary and I can talk better, without distractions." Liv murmured. "I'll message Mary."

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