prologue, 2052

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Last time the news was broadcasted everywhere was long ago. It was when the president died and a new one was to be chosen. Today it happened again, something important must have happened.

Veronika Clarke appeared on screen, she is the boss of the BOPR, also known as the Bureau of Planet Research, the concurrent of NASA. She said a big discovery is made, a planet with, according to research, healing powers for genetic disorders. Montage of the planet was shown. I thought it looked a bit strange, it has a neon pink colour and it has a texture like a sponge. The planet is called Spongecury, probably because of the texture.

After that Veronika announced a mission will start next year, mission Spongecury. Fifty children between the ages of one and three years old with a genetic disorder will be sent to the planet to get healed. The children will be chosen based on how bad their genetic disorder is. The government has access to a healthscan of every citizen, with that the fifty children can be chosen.

In a month's time they will collect the chosen children and in exactly a year, the mission will depart. I'm afraid they will take our little daughter Avery, she has butterfly disease, a genetic skin disorder.

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