History is turth

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The twins placed you in some type of building as they closed the doors to it leaving you inside, alone. I have never been in one of these human structures before, you thought to yourself as you made clicking noises to get an understanding of your surroundings. The building is very large and there are cells that line the wall. You hear chirping in the distance as you click to see a very small dragon approaching you. Tilting your head confused, the dragon climbed up your arm and onto your shoulder. You pet the dragon as you sit down on the ground, messing with the little dragon in your hands. After an hour or so the doors open up as you turn your head to sense who it is.

"Hey y/n, you didn't get hurt right?" Hiccup said as he grabbed your arm, he tried to move your arm to the side but it didn't budge. A deep chuckle escaped from you as Hiccup groaned in annoyance,"Please let me see, I just want to make sure you're not hurt." Hiccup said as he pleaded with you. A sigh is heard from you as you raise your arm into the air away from your side. Hiccup thanks you as you feel his hands going through your fur. Hiccup guides your arm back down as he examines the rest of you.

"Hey Hiccup, we managed to get rid of the remaining few Dragon hunters. But isn't it strange how they appeared right after we met y/n?" Astrid said as she stood to the side watching Hiccup.

"I am not sure what Viggo is planning. He would have come before if he knew already." Hiccup said as he touched your horn. You immediately get up and back away as you begin to growl.

"Sorry, your horns must be sensitive. Hey, you hungry?" Hiccup said as he grabbed a bucket of fish and showed it to you. Sniffing the bucket you scoff at the disgusting smell as you turn your head. You hear someone else enter the building as the person rushes over to us.

"I brought the dragon eye, maybe this can help us learn more about y/n." Fishlegs says as he hands the object to Hiccup.

"Alright y/n could you glow again for me?" Hiccup said. You were unsure what the human meant at first but it clicked for you as your mouth opened and a bright blue light was emitting from it. Hiccup moved the Dragon eye in front of your mouth as the picture shown left them in shock.

"Wow, Fishlegs can you read it?" Hiccup said as Fishlegs takes a closer look at the projection shown from the Dragon eye.

'This is much older than the other stuff we have discovered, but the language is still similar enough for me to understand it. It says the y/n here is called a warden, they live underground and hibernate for most of their life. Only awakening one every 100s of years to eat rocks and ores and to claim dominance of its territory." Fishleg says as he continues to skim through the text.

"Maybe that's why the dragon hunters arrived when we found y/n, they must have known when they were going to awaken." Hiccup said.

"Wait go back "Dominance of its territory"? What's that supposed to mean?" Snotlout said a little frightened.

"It says that the warden lives underground where it guards an ancient civilization filled with relics and treasures. I guess it means sometimes when it wakes up there might be people there and it…you know." Fishleg said as he made a slicing motion across his neck. Snotlout tries to put on a brave face as your intimidating presence is starting to make him nervous.

"Are the other wardens out there?" Astrid said.

"No, it says here that only one can exist at a time. y/n must have been lonely." Fishlegs said sadly. The other humans look at each other as each of their dragons comfort them, except hookfang who just growls annoyed. You just tilt your head confused as the glow from your mouth stops. Hiccup places the dragon eye to the side as Hiccup sticks his hand out towards your face. You sniff his hand as you push your head into it. The human smells so nice, they remind of all the metal tools you would eat back at home.

Home, you thought. I got tired of being there, this is much more interesting than home. Hiccup pets you as Astrid chuckles at the scene. She approaches you as she does the same gesture like Hiccup. You sniff her, this human reeks of bones and smoke. You blew air into her face as you turned your head away, rejecting the human. The twins and snotlout laugh at her as Hiccup holds back his snicker. Astrid glares at Hiccup making sure he doesn't make a peep.

Point of view change, Dragon hunters:

The wounded and beaten dragon hunters arrived at the main fleet where Viggo, their leader, is. The leader of the squad enters Viggo's office as he stands waiting for Viggo to speak.

"Did you find the beast?" Viggo said as the dragon hunter began to shake in fear.

"Y-yes sir, the warden was found." the dragon hunter said.

"Was?" Viggo said as he stood up from his chair.

"we l-lost the w-warden to the dragon riders before we c-could catch the b-beast." the Dragon hunter said as sweat rolled down his face.

"You lost the warden? You know that is bad for business, that warden is worth a lot to us alive. It also will be the key to destroying Hiccup and his friends." Viggo said wickedly,"Unfortunately you already failed so you won't be around to see their demise." the fleet of ships are quiet on the water, expect for one where you can hear distant screams of agony from inside.

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