Trying To Adjust | January 1, 2024

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Alright! Time for Boots and Crutchy to figure out the modern world! :)

Enjoy! :)


"I'm hungry," Boots announces.

"Yeah, me too," Crutchy sighs. 

Both their stomachs grumble loudly.

"Well, I guess now's a good time as any to try to fix that," Crutchy says.

Boots springs up out of the beanbag. "Alright! Let's go find food!"

"Good idea!" Crutchy holds a hand up. "As soon as you help me outta this very comfy beanbag chair."

"So how are we going to find food?" Boots asks.

"Well, I s'pose that we still have to pay for food, even if it's more 'n a century into the future."


"Because businesses like makin' money too much to give things away for free."

"Yeah, that's true."

Something across the street catches Boots' eye. "Crutchy, what's that?"

He points across the street to where there are several...well, he doesn't know how to describe it. It looks like costumes, but none like he's ever seen.

"I don't know," Crutchy says. 

That's when he notices something: all of them are posing for a small box--presumably a modern camera--and they get money for it. And they aren't being paid in coins--they are being paid in dollar bills.

Crutchy looks down at his ragged outfit. It looks nothing like the outfits of today.

In fact, he may have more in common with those people in costume than he does the average person walking the street.

That's when he gets an idea.

"We'se are the newsies! Take a pictcha wit' us and we'll tell ya the news for a little dough!"

They've been shouting this for about ten minutes now. Boots found an old, dirty newspaper on the ground and has been holding it above his head. So far, they've had a couple people take pictures with them, and give them money.

A family of four comes up to them.

"Hiya, ladies an' gentleman!" Crutchy greets them, all smiles. "Would ya like a pictcha and a bit o' news?"

They grin and say yes, impressed by how in character they are. Crutchy chuckles. 

Since Crutchy has long arms (A/N: Yeah AKB is short, but Marty Belafsky is LONG, and I'm going off of Marty Belafsky's Crutchy), he's the one who holds the modern camera. It took a couple tries the first time, but he's figured it out now. Apparently, it's a camera and telephone all in one, which completely blows his mind.

"So, Boots," Crutchy returns the phone and turns to Boots, "what headlines do we got today?"

And this is where years of being a newsie comes in. While the newspaper they found off the street is too dirty to really read--besides, it's really only a prop--Boots still knows how to come up with a good headline.

Boots pretends to read off the headline on the newspaper, speaking as dramatically as he can. "Train crashes in Ohio, killin' none other than Teddy Roosevelt's nephew!"

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