New Year's Eve | December 31, 1899

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Yeah, I don't have more to add here haha.

Oh wait: yes: this will be omniscient narrator, as is my favorite to use haha.

Enjoy! :)


"EVERYONE GATHER 'ROUND!" Jack Kelly shouts, mouth curled in a grin.

Most murmuring comes to a halt in the newsies' lodging house of Manhattan as they turn to listen to what Jack has to say.  Not all the murmuring comes to a halt, for it is just a fact of life that most people love not shutting up, the rowdy newsies included.

"So," Jack says loudly, after he sees that he has gotten at least 90 percent of their attention, which is honestly an accomplishment. "It's been quite a year."

Cue lots of snickering. A few echo, "quite a year!" 

Kid Blink, with his arm around Mush, grinning, says, "you could say that, Jack."

"And who do you think made it quite a year, huh?" Race snickers. He turns to Spot. "Whaddaya you'se think, Spot?"

Spot grins at him, then looks at Jack. "I think Jackie Boy put us through more loops than we were expectin'. Quite impressive for a wannabe cowboy, Jackie Boy."

Jack sighs. "Why are you here again, Spot? Don't your Brooklyn newsies need ya?"

"Nah, they can handle themselves," Spot responds dismissively. "Put my second in charge in case any of them do somethin' stupid. I think they're just as scared of me as they are as her."

"Okay, so not'in' will burn down if your away, but...why are you here?"

Spot huffs and rolls his eyes goodnaturedly. "Well, ya see, Jackie Boy, there's this ONE MANHATTAN BOY who WON'T STOP BOTHERIN' ME and INSISTED that he would be HEARTBROKEN if I wasn't here..."

Race snuggles up to Spot's shoulder. "Which is why I's very glad that you're here, Spot. Because I don't think that that boy would like ta start the new year with a broken heart..."

"Don't make me regret this."

"Oh, I know you won't. Wanna know why?"


"Because you really do care about that boy," Race says. "Your heart's softer than you want people to think it is." He boops Spot's nose. "Spotty the softie."

Spot makes a fist and puts it in front of Race's face. "Don't think I wouldn't soak ya, even if I likes ya, even if it is New Years Eve."

Race just smiles, and brings up a hand to bring down Spot's fist, spreading his fingers, interlocking their hands. "You know I can see right through ya."

Their moment is interrupted by Mush and Blink making retching sounds.

"Why don't ya spend New Year's somewhere else? So we'se don't have to hear all this lovey dovey talk," Kid Blink complains.

"Yeah, it makes me feel like the third wheel," Mush says forlornly.

"Awww, don't say that." Kid Blink's attention switches to Mush faster than lightning. He slings his arms around Mush. "You ain't the third wheel. Ya got me. I will always be here for ya."

"Hey! You two's is just as bad!" Race shouts reproachfully.

Jack sighs. How annoying these two pairs are. So insufferable.

Of course, it's only because David is spending the night with his family that Jack isn't like these two couples.

Crutchy gives Jack a sympathetic smile, but Jack can also tell that Crutchy is full of amusement at these couples and Jack's sanity weakening. "It'll only take twenty tries, Jack. Only 17 more to go."

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