Manik_Princess! (She look manik)
Manik(continues) _ Princess you are also bleeding come we will first
Ahana_No dadda I am fine let karan be alright.
Manik(side hug her) _Champ will be alright nothing will happened.
Ranbir_Princess you know right karan will never let anything to happened to you for you only he have taken big step after he wake you if he saw you like this means? He will be worried and upset.
Riva_Ah ahana even he will be angry with us as we didn't take care to you.
Ahana_Don't worry he will never let that happened and say that. (Everyone don't know what to say but the tears were rolling then the time doctor came out everyone went near them)
Manik_How is my son doctor?
Doctor (shock) _Mr.Malhotra he is your son?
Manik_yes doctor plz say me how is he?
Nandini_is he is alright doctor?
Doctor_Mrs.Malhotra the God have saved him the cut in his stomach didn't go deep but he have lose so many blood then we will do a operation then we will be alright.
Nandini_then you can start with operation don't worry about money.
Doctor_Not like that Mrs. Malhotra but the blood is not available in our hospital. Now we need AB Negative which is rare blood group (Then ahana came there)
Ahana_Doctor I to have same blood group take it from me.(everyone was shock Nick came middle)
Nick_Are you mad?
Ahana_yeah mad that want him!
Anna_Ahana don't forget you also have less blood. (Then only prachi and Ranbir remember)
Prachi_yeah ahana there are right.
Nandini_Sweet heart we will arrange from other but not you.
Ahana_It will take late ma you know right we both have only same group in our family let me give.
Manik_No princess it may affect you to..
Ahana_Plz I will be alright let me give him (turn to Ranbir) dad plz understand me.
Ranbir(to manik) _Let her give manik even we can't win her. (Without having any opinion she went with nurse)
Nandini_Karan atleast for ahana you should come back she needs you can't live without you champ.(then riva noticed ayaan who is going somewhere she followed him and stop him)
Riva(hug him) _Plz ayaan be strong bhai will be alright.
Ayaan(hug her back) _You know I thought after nine years I will get my family back but again my bhai is going away from us why? That God is not letting us to live our life happily? What we did? (Crying) you saw today he would be happy but everything went off today he proposed ahana but that God is not letting them to be happy? Think riva if something wrong happened to karan? I can't even imagine without him. (He cried like baby this is first time riva is seeing ayaan crying like this she to had tears)
Riva_Stop thinking negative you are strength of the family if you become like this? What will happen to nandini ma? You should give support to her unlike crying like a baby. (He wipe his tears both of them went to others who was silent then slowly with the support of nurse she came there nandini had tears seeing her slowly they made her to sit)
Nurse_She is really week take care of her. (Everyone force to have something to eat but didn't the nurse first aid her hand and head the time pass then finally doctor came)
Doctor_Your wish had been there to him he is alright we will shift him to VIP ward (turn to ahana) I have saved him don't worry your love was with him even in unconscious saying your name ahana then jaan lucky to get him. (Ahana with tears smile at him)
Aanya_Doctor can we see bhai?
Doctor_yeah sure but give him healthy food. (They nod there heads move to karan ward saw him getting conscious he saw his family then smile nandini and manik with tears hug him but ahana didn't come)
Nandini(with tears) _How are you baby? Is paining?
Karan_I am fine mumma don't worry.
Manik_Do you know champ who did this you?
Karan_I don't know papa but sure this may be Lisa. (Hearing it everyone was shock)
Ayaan(angry)_That bloody bitch needs a punishment to hurt our family.
Manik_you are right ayaan even her family need it.
Prachi_Stop talking this here now only he have waken up.
Karan(to ranbir) _I am sorry dad I can't protect ahana she got hurt because of me I am really sorry.
Ranbir(cared his hair) _today we are proud of you even you didn't think about your life but saved her. (Then everyone addressed him but soon he noticed ahana is not here)
Karan_where is ahana? (Then everyone look each other)
Karan(panic) _Is she is okay na?
Nandini_Karan she is alright don't worry.
Nick_just she don't want to meet you like this. (Then the time nurse came there)
Nurse_Who is the parents of Ms. Ahana Kholi?
Ranbir_Yes I am her father?
Nurse_She is enough week now more after giving blood she need proper rest and give her healthy food. (Then slowly she came inside and heard what all nurse said she look everyone then karan who was shock then give her angry look then nurse went rudra and aabir went near ahana made her to sit)
Karan_Now who is care to explain? (He look everyone who was looking down)
Nandini_Beta nothing happened you take rest.
Karan_Seriously mumma for whom she donated blood? You guys don't know she have less blood then how would you allow? Papa say me?
Manik_I also didn't allow her? You should ask to ranbir.
Ahana_Dadda! (Listening it karan glared her she look down)
Karan_Everyone wait for ten minutes I want to talk with this madam. (Ahana look them and nod no Karan glared her without saying anything went out only Karan and ahana was there)
Karan_Will you come here or may I come there? (Then she slowly went near him and sat there)
Ahana_Karan you take rest I am alright.
Karan(shout) _You know right you have less blood then why the fucking hell you donated blood? For whom? (But ahana didn't say anything this trigger his anger then the time the nurse came)
Nurse_Sir you should not shout like this.
Karan_Who the hell she donated the blood?
Nurse(saw ahana) _For you only. (With this she went from there Karan was shock look ahana who was in tears then he called his family members)

Karan_Make her eat healthy food make sure she rest probably and don't bring her here until I discharged to mansion if she didn't want to eat the vegetables inform me immediately

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Karan_Make her eat healthy food make sure she rest probably and don't bring her here until I discharged to mansion if she didn't want to eat the vegetables inform me immediately. (Turn to her) until you recover don't dare to step out of the mansion and room.
Ahana_I will not go anywhere. (One glared his enough for her)
Manik_yeah guys it's late me and nandini will be here you guys go to home.
Ayaan_dad let me also be here na plz..
Nandini_Ayaan you take care of there only one day then he will also discharged. (Everyone nod and went before going ahana kiss his forehead and went others smile then only manik, nandini and karan was there)
Nandini_Now take rest nothing will happen to ahana.
Karan_Mumma how you guys let her donate it to me?
Manik_because your blood group is rare group which only match with ahana.
Nandini_She don't want to waste time so donated she loves you a lot. (Karan smile soon asleep because of pain)
I think you guys like this episode..,
Hope you enjoy this part.

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Manan Second Generationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن