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Authors Note - Hey guys, Senice here. Rotsa is currently working on a new book! - Check out my newest book here! -émon-nuzlocke-novels-ancient-scarlet (Also, my MrBeast Fortnite book is going to be discontinued!)

Authors Note - this chapter kinda bad, you should keep reading because it does get better!

One very little day, the skibid toilers were being toilets like. ANd then, all of a sudden! The toilets had head come out ad fornite was going nisance. Everynoe character from fort

nite tried shouoting the sibidi toilets, but it was to no avail,, the thailand won. When japan decided to 

geramny the fricking heck out of mexico becuse they wanted them to stop being competitors to ecuadorian coce. Mr beat from fortnite came in and said that he wanted to buy epic games. He recored a video saying first person to kill skibid toilet, wins 1000000 pesos!

How the Skibidi Toilets Took Over Fortnite!Where stories live. Discover now